June 5, 2018




6:30 p.m.



Present:  John Adams, President; Alice Gillis, Vice President; Adam Williams, Secretary;  Greg Prince, Member; Darin Gullion, Assistant Superintendent; and Reece Mann, Superintendent

Absent:   Trent Fox, Member


At 6:30 p.m. Board President, John Adams, called the meeting to order.



A motion was made by Adam Williams and seconded by Greg Prince to amend the agenda, as presented.  The motion was approved 4-0 vote.


A motion was made by Greg Prince and seconded by Alice Gillis to accept the minutes of the business meeting and executive session held on Tuesday, May 22, 2018.  The motion was approved 4-0 vote.


  1. A motion was made by Adam Williams and seconded by Alice Gillis to accept the list of vouchers, as presented.  The motion was approved 4-0 vote.

  1. Purchases over $7500:

A motion was made by Alice Gillis and seconded by Greg Prince to approve the following (items 1-2):

  1. Curriculum Associates       TBR $10,572.00

(DMS Textbooks)

  1. Dell            GF/CP/Grant $212,760.00

(Teacher Instructional Devices)

The motion was approved 4-0 vote.

  1. A motion was made by Greg Prince and seconded by Alice Gillis to approve the Annual Financial Report, as presented.  The motion was approved 4-0 vote.

A motion was made by Greg Prince and seconded by Adam Williams to approve the following (items D-E):

  1. Project Lead The Way Grant Agreement.

  1. Ball Brothers Foundation Grant.  

The motion was approved 4-0 vote.

  1. A motion was made by Adam Williams and seconded by Alice Gillis to approve permission to pay a portion of Royerton expenses from 2015 Bond Proceeds in place of CPF from the February 21, 2018 Presidio PO, as presented.  The motion was approved 4-0 vote.


Joe Schmaltz, Principal at Albany Elementary School, stated they finished the Blended Learning Summit and it was fantastic.  He stated if you were a DelCom teacher at the Summit, how could you not appreciate what was done. They put together on awesome program. He informed everyone they had a fantastic finish to the school year.  It was great to have almost the entire Albany teaching staff there the last two days. He stated the garden is growing like crazy and they had a great awards program the last day of school. Mr. Schmaltz is anxiously awaiting ISTEP scores.  They retested three students last Friday and have a good feeling about them passing IREAD 3 with the remediation they provided. He stated he and Mr. Blakely are thrilled to have a music teacher candidate here tonight.

Amy Lewman, Assistant Principal at Royerton Elementary School, stated they had a great end of the school year.  She gave a special thanks to the PTO for coordinating field day. She thanked Mr. Mann for attending their awards program.  Many students were in front of their parents, grandparents, and student body receiving awards and that’s always special for the kids.  She stated Summer Blast is currently up and running at Royerton and things are running smoothly. She thanked Ms. Huddleston and her staff for caring for the kids who come and stay with them all summer long.  She informed everyone they retested 6 students for IREAD 3 that she’s sure will pass. They are also anxiously awaiting ISTEP scores. Ms. Lewman stated she has a candidate here tonight for the Assistant Principal position that she’s very excited about.  

Doug Marshall, Principal at Delta Middle School, stated Haley Blanchard, 8th grader, won a National Essay Contest with the Scholastic National Writing Contest.  She received top honors and will be leaving tomorrow for New York City. He thanked her for representing Delta and the community.  He stated Ms. Decker had other students who entered the contest and received honors as well.

Chris Conley, Principal at Delta High School, thanked Central Office and the School Board for their participation at graduation.  He informed everyone our students are allowed to sit up on stage at Emens, but some schools are not. He stated the reason for that is due to our students behaving when they are there.  He commented it’s an amazing program that Jodi Cook organizes every year. Mr. Conley appreciates the Boards participation.


Blended Learning Summit-Greg Kile


  1. Classified Employee Handbook-(1st Reading).

  1. Transportation Handbook-(1st Reading).

  1. Certified Staff

A motion was made by Adam Williams and seconded by Greg Prince to approve the following (item 1-2):

  1. Retirement of Lourdes Davis-Gordon, Spanish Teacher at Delta High School, effective at the end of the 2017-18 school year.

  1. Retirement of Gary Seidner, Mathematics/Physics Teacher at Delta High School, effective at the end of the 2017-18 school year.

The motion was approved 4-0 vote.

A motion was made by Greg Prince and seconded by Adam Williams to approve the following (item 3):

  1. Recommendation to employ Ryan Parrott as an Assistant Principal at Royerton Elementary School effective July 1, 2018, pending successful completion of all pre-employment testing.

The motion was approved 4-0 vote.

A motion was made by Greg Prince and seconded by Adam Williams to approve the following (item 4):

  1. Recommendation to employ Kara Jackson as a Music Teacher at Albany/Eaton Elementary Schools effective August 2, 2018, pending successful completion of all pre-employment testing.

The motion was approved 4-0 vote.

  1. Classified Staff

A motion was made by Adam Williams and seconded by Greg Prince to approve the following (items 1-2):

  1. Resignation of Racheal Green, Food Service Cook at Eaton Elementary School, effective May 23, 2018.

  1. Resignation of Marsha Faust, Instructional Assistant at Delta Middle School, effective May 25, 2018.

The motion was approved 4-0 vote.

A motion was made by Greg Prince and seconded by Adam Williams to approve the following (items 3-7):

  1. Recommendation to transfer Bryan Weaver from a Transportation Director to a School Bus Driver effective July 1, 2018.

  1. Recommendation to transfer Maddie Vaughn from a Latchkey Aide to a Latchkey Assistant Supervisor effective immediately.

  1. Recommendation to employ Marlee Small and Stephnie Huston as Summer Blast employees effective immediately, pending successful completion of all pre-employment testing.

  1. Recommendation to transfer Amy Crall from a Part Time Instructional Assistant to Full Time at Delta High School effective August 2, 2018.

  1. Recommendation to employ Eric Parvis as a Bus Driver Trainee effective immediately, pending successful completion of all pre-employment testing.

The motion was approved 4-0 vote.

  1. Extra-Curricular

A motion was made by Adam Williams and seconded by Greg Prince to approve the following (item 1):

  1. Resignation of Miranda Hummel, Class Sponsor at Delta High School, effective at the end of the 2017-18 school year.

The motion was approved 4-0 vote.

A motion was made by Greg Prince and seconded by Alice Gillis to approve the following (items 2-4):

  1. Recommendation to employ Curt Howard as a Freshman Assistant Football Coach at Delta High School effective for the 2018-19 school year, pending successful completion of all pre-employment testing.

  1. Recommendation to employ Amanda Craw as a Student Council Sponsor (split position) at Delta High School effective for the 2018-19 school year.

  2. Recommendation to employ Marsha Virgin as a Student Council Sponsor (split position) at Delta Middle School effective for the     2018-19 school year.

The motion was approved 4-0 vote.

  1. Conference Requests/Field Trips

A motion was made by Adam Williams and seconded by Alice Gillis to approve the following (items 1-5):

  1. Reece Mann requests permission to attend IASBO Summer Institute Courses to be held from June 5, 2018 through June 6, 2018 at the Primo Banquet Center in Indianapolis, IN.

  1. Kim Kemper requests permission to attend Transfinder University to be held from June 12, 2018 through June 14, 2018 in Independence, OH.

  1. Christopher Conley requests permission to attend the NFHS 99th Annual Summer Meeting to be held from June 28, 2018 through July 3, 2018 at the Marriott Downtown in Chicago, IL.

  1. Scott Herring and Audrey Young request permission to attend ISTEP Math Grade 10: Addressing the Need to Raise Scores to be held on September 24, 2018 at CIESC in Indianapolis, IN.

  1. Scott Blakely requests permission to attend ALICE Instructor Certification Training to be held from October 16, 2018 through October 17, 2018 at Decatur Central High School in Indianapolis, IN.

The motion was approved 4-0 vote.

  1. Information and Proposals

  1. Superintendent

  1. Mr. Stebbins informed the Board about Buildings and Grounds.

  1. Mr. Mann informed the Board about the following fundraisers:

  1. None.

  1. Assistant Superintendent

A motion was made by Greg Prince and seconded by Alice Gillis to approve the following (item 1):

  1. Use of Facilities:

  1. Eric McBride, MTAC, requests permission to use Royerton Elementary on June 11, 2018 from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. to hold Basic SWAT School, pending Certification of Liability Insurance.

The motion was approved 4-0 vote.

A motion was made by Adam Williams and seconded by Greg Prince to approve the following (items b-c):

  1. Request for Delta High School to accept a donation in the amount of $250.00 from the DelCom Educational Foundation, as presented.

  1. Request for Delta High School to accept a donation in the amount of $120.00 from Joli Finley, as presented.

The motion was approved 4-0 vote.

A motion was made by Greg Prince and seconded by Adam Williams to approve the following (item d-i):

  1. Request for Delta Middle School to surplus books, as presented.

  1. Request for the Special Education Department to surplus items, as presented.

  1. Request for Royerton Elementary School to surplus items, as presented.

  1. Request for Albany Elementary School to surplus items, as presented.

  1. Request for Delta Middle School to surplus items, as presented.

  1. Request for Delta High School to surplus items, as presented.

The motion was approved 4-0 vote.

  1. A motion was made by Alice Gillis and seconded by Adam Williams to approve the 2018-19 School Meal Prices, as presented.  The motion was approved 4-0 vote.

  1. A motion was made by Adam Williams and seconded by Greg Prince to approve Fuel Bids with Heritage Petroleum as our fuel provider for the 2018-19 school year, as presented.  The motion was approved 4-0 vote.

  1. A motion was made by Greg Prince and seconded by Adam Williams to approve the AdTec Contract, as presented.  The motion was approved 4-0 vote.



Greg Prince – Mr. Prince thanked everyone for coming.  He congratulated Mr. Parrott and Ms. Jackson and looks forward to good things from both of them.  

Adam Williams – Mr. Williams stated he can’t mention enough the special group of people we have in our corporation.  Everyone has the common goal to care about the kids and graduation is a great time to see that. He stated there are so many kids with huge smiles and hugs for Mr. Conley and that is special.  He stated it should never be forgotten how wonderful of a group we have. He welcomed Mr. Parrott into his new position and Ms. Jackson to DelCom and is glad they chose us. He stated the Blended Learning Summit is phenomenal.  There are so many details that can’t be thrown together quickly because of all the little logistical things that go on. He stated the little things and extra steps creates collaboration and that’s exciting. Mr. Williams thanked everyone and appreciates what they do daily.  

Alice Gillis – Ms. Gillis stated she is very thankful for the grants we receive.  She congratulated and gave best wishes to Mr. Seidner and Ms. Davis-Gordon.  She congratulated Haley Blanchard on her winning essay. She thanked everyone who put together the graduation ceremony.  She has been involved in many graduation ceremonies and thinks we do better than any she’s ever seen. She stated Mr. Conley must be doing something right since it goes so well.  She stated a few kids were tickled she was handing them their diplomas and she really appreciated that. She is thrilled we have people who are willing to spend time and energy to do the Blended Learning Summit.  She knows it takes many hours of planning and everyone has to come together for that to happen. She appreciates everyone who puts that on for our corporation. Ms. Gillis congratulated Mr. Parrott and welcomed Ms. Jackson.  She thanked Mr. Stebbins for his presentation and stated someone looking at things we need to be doing helps a bunch.

John Adams – Mr. Adams concurred with his fellow board members.  He congratulated Mr. Parrott and looks forward to the new team at Royerton.  He welcomed Ms. Jackson and is glad to have her as part of the family. He thinks having something like our Blended Learning Summit is unheard of in most corporations.  We are stepping outside the box and trying something different and it’s neat to hear what they are doing with it. He stated yesterday was unique because he’s never been involved in a ground breaking ceremony and it was a neat experience.  He stated when our buildings were built years ago, they weren’t built around safety and the things we have think about today. He informed everyone he had a few emails from folks who read the article in The Star Press and also received a text from an old board member that all basically said thank you and it’s about time.  He stated it’s about time we start doing things for school safety and upgrading the inside of our buildings. From his perspective, this is a big leap for DelCom which they haven’t done for several years. He’s hoping there’s money left over so they can possibly do something safer in some other buildings. He stated we have a lot of neat things going on like 1:1, the Blended Learning Summit, and the new addition to the high school and that takes a whole team, not just one person.  He stated a new position was created so they have someone like Mr. Stebbins doing a lot of work so everyone is prepared when they are ready to start the addition. They don’t have to worry about where they are going to be or where they are going to go. He stated there’s been a lot of things happening behind the scenes people don’t know about. He stated there are a lot of thanks that need to go from this side of the table to that side of the table, to everyone who has worked hard to change our students.  Mr. Adams said seeing the kids at graduation hug Mr. Conley is pretty special. He wasn’t aware some schools aren’t allowed on stage at Emens, but he’s glad we can be up there and that goes back to the leadership we have. He stated it’s amazing the leadership, skill qualities, and people we have in place and that comes from the top. We have a great leader with great vision. He stated as he’s gotten to know Mr. Mann, he has the ability to think outside the box and always has a plan and that goes a long way.  Mr. Adams knows this school is in good hands. He thanked everyone from the bottom of his heart for what they do because our kids deserve it.


  1. A regular meeting for the Board of School Trustees is scheduled for Tuesday, June 19, 2018 at 6:30 p.m. at the Administration Building.


A motion was made by Adam Williams and seconded by Greg Prince and Board President, John Adams, adjourned the meeting at 7:53 p.m.

June 5, 2018

JOHN ADAMS                                               __________________________

ALICE GILLIS                                                   __________________________

ADAM WILLIAMS                                          ___________________________

TRENT FOX                                                      ___________________________

GREG PRINCE        ___________________________