6:30 p.m.
Present: Adam Williams, President; Trent Fox, Vice President; Lance Engle, Secretary; John Adams, Member; Darin Gullion, Assistant Superintendent; and Reece Mann, Superintendent
Absent: Jacob Case, Member
At 6:30 p.m. Board President, Adam Williams, called the meeting to order.
A motion was made by Trent Fox and seconded by Lance Engle to amend the agenda, as presented. The motion was approved 4-0 vote.
A motion was made by Lance Engle and seconded by Trent Fox to accept the minutes of the business meeting and executive session held on September 10, 2020. The motion was approved 4-0 vote.
A motion was made by John Adams and seconded by Trent Fox to accept the list of vouchers, as presented. The motion was approved 4-0 vote.
Purchases over $7500:
A motion was made by John Adams and seconded by Lance Engle to approve the following (items C-D):
The Community Foundation 2020 Funders Forum Grant ($5,000.00), as presented.
Formative Assessment Grant ($27,172.80), as presented.
The motion was approved 4-0 vote.
A motion was made by Trent Fox and seconded by Lance Engle to approve the following Adopt Resolutions:
2021 Bus Replacement Plan
2021 Capital Projects Plan
Appropriations and Tax Rates
The motion was approved 4-0 vote.
Scott Blakely, Eaton Elementary Principal, stated he was concerned what parents would say with the schedule change, but he’s only heard positive comments. He stated he had a few parents trying to figure out childcare and they were able to work it out with Latchkey. He informed everyone dismissal went very smooth. He stated he had one student who doesn’t normally go to Latchkey that should have went today that got on the bus. He stated he had to drive to the middle school to pick him up and take him back to Latchkey, but other than that, everything went smooth.
Chris Conley, Delta High School Principal, stated they had only a few concerns with the schedule change, but Mr. Mann worked with those parents and solved the issues. He stated the teachers have looked at this as a very positive thing. He informed everyone a lot of flooring is down in the Commons area and they are beginning to line out the lockers. He stated if you’ve been to the East side, the steel that’s going up is amazing. He thanked everyone for the investment in the facility because the kids make a difference. He stated Mr. Curry mentioned at the last meeting the administrators who helped serve lunch, but the amazing thing was how many kids would say thank you to them. He informed everyone the administrators wipe down tables at lunch because there are so many and when they wipe them down, the kids tell them thank you. He stated with everything we’ve all gone through, our kids have still remained themselves. He stated they are still our kids, they are still looking to be a part of what we want to do, and they’re still wanting to be the kind of people we expect them to be. He stated that goes back to the commitment from the Board and Central Office, to do what we think they need to do to be successful and he appreciates that.
Doug Marshall, Delta Middle School Principal, stated the first day of the new schedule worked out well. He sees the teachers being able to take a breath and concentrate on all their kids in a purposeful way and he appreciates that very much.
Certified Staff
Classified Staff
A motion was made by Lance Engle and seconded by Trent Fox to approve the following (items 1-2):
Recommendation to employ Amanda Carr as a Food Service Cook at Eaton Elementary School effective September 14, 2020.
Recommendation to employ Amanda Maxwell as a Non-route School Bus Driver effective immediately, pending successful completion of all pre-employment testing.
The motion was approved 4-0 vote.
A motion was made by John Adams and seconded by Trent Fox to approve the following (items 1-2):
Resignation of Terry Summers, JV Girls’ Basketball Coach at Delta High School, effective immediately.
Resignation of Ashtyn Rastetter, 6th Grade Girls’ Basketball Coach at Delta Middle School, effective immediately.
The motion was approved 4-0 vote.
A motion was made by Lance Engle and seconded by John Adams to approve the following (items 3-11):
Recommendation to employ Paul Ashcraft as a Freshman Boys’ Basketball Coach at Delta High School effective for the 2020-21 school year.
Recommendation to employ Jenna Bishop as a JV Girls’ Basketball Coach at Delta High School effective for the 2020-21 school year.
Recommendation to employ Allison Dotson as an Assistant Girls’ Basketball Coach at Delta High School effective for the 2020-21 school year, pending successful completion of all pre-employment testing.
Recommendation to employ Keith Rhonemus as a JV Wrestling Coach at Delta High School effective for the 2020-21 school year, pending successful completion of all pre-employment testing.
Recommendation to employ Laura Seibold-Caudill as a Head Swim Coach at Delta High School effective for the 2020-21 school year.
Recommendation to employ Corey Cole as a Diving Coach at Delta High School effective for the 2020-21 school year, pending successful completion of all pre-employment testing.
Recommendation to employ Wendy Brown as a Beyond the Bell Tutor at Delta Middle School effective for the 2020-21 school year.
Recommendation to employ Debbie Helfst as a Beyond the Bell Tutor at Delta Middle School effective for the 2020-21 school year.
Recommendation to appoint Jon Bennett as a Volunteer Assistant Diving Coach at Delta High School effective for the 2020-21 school year.
The motion was approved 4-0 vote.
Conference Requests/Field Trips
A motion was made by Trent Fox and seconded by Lance Engle to approve the following (items 1-2):
Cheryl Dominick requests permission to attend IASBO Leadership, Principles of Education, and Public Relations and Internal Communications Virtual Meetings to be held from September 22, 2020 through September 23, 2020.
Reece Mann requests permission to attend the Virtual 2020 IAPSS District Fall Meeting to be held on September 22, 2020.
The motion was approved 4-0 vote.
Information and Proposals
A motion was made by Lance Engle and seconded by John Adams to approve NEOLA Policy 2370.05 (Virtual Education Program)-2nd Reading, as presented. The motion was approved 4-0 vote.
A motion was made by John Adams and seconded by Trent Fox to approve the requests for unpaid leaves of absence, as presented. The motion was approved 4-0 vote.
Mr. Mann informed the Board about the following fundraisers:
Elana Camp, DHS Choir, requests permission to sell gift cards, as presented. Proceeds go towards travel expenses for choir.
Assistant Superintendent
Use of Facilities:
A motion was made by Lance Engle and seconded by Trent Fox to approve the following (item 1):
Laura Seibild-Caudill, Cardinal Swim Club, requests permission to use the Delta High School pool and locker rooms from September 28, 2020 through April 1, 2021 to hold swim practice, as presented.
The motion was approved 4-0 vote.
A motion was made by Trent Fox and seconded by Lance Engle to approve the Food Service Meal Program, as presented. The motion was approved 4-0 vote.
A motion was made by John Adams and seconded by Lance Engle to approve the request for Albany Elementary School to accept a donation in the amount of $1,516.50 from Gary Selvey and Mark Beals, as presented. The motion was approved 4-0 vote.
John Adams – Mr. Adams stated he’s glad to hear about the time change and how everything went smoothly. He stated that’s a testament to the communication and everyone getting the word out. He’s glad to hear they’ve had some good, positive feedback. He stated it’s pretty awesome the girls’ golf team are Sectional Champs. He stated the team did a great job so he wanted to give them the accolades they deserve. He commented we have yet another meeting with donations and Grants. He stated Grants just don’t show up without some sort of time and effort and people putting things together to make those happen. He thanked the folks who worked on getting grant money and to those who donated and couldn’t be more proud of the community and support we have. He welcomed Ms. Carr and Ms. Maxwell and thanked those who may be leaving for the time and effort they put into our corporation. He thanked Mrs. Cross for sharing about the Food Service Program. He stated he heard about this last week because he works with a couple mothers who have kids at Randolph Central and Eastern corporations. He stated that will be a huge benefit to our families. He thanked Mrs. Cross for all she and her staff do to make all that happen. He commented he doesn’t know many corporations who have Superintendents, Principals, and other administrative staff serving lunches. He’s glad they all stepped in and were able to do that. He thinks it’s important we send a message that they will do what it takes to keep face-to-face instruction going as best they can, whether that be a time change or administrators serving lunch if that’s what it takes. He greatly appreciates everyone’s efforts and all they are doing to keep face-to-face going. He’s heard some good comments about the time change. He stated that allows a teacher to concentrate on all our kids, not just the ones in the building, but also for those who may be quarantined at home. He thanked everyone and stated for them to continue on the path of what they’re doing. He stated this will all change at some point and he can’t wait for that to happen.
Lance Engle – Mr. Engle concurred with Mr. Adams and stated he was going to say a lot of the same comments. He stated girls’ golf winning sectionals is fantastic. He stated the neatest comment he saw was they weren’t even sure they were going to have a season this year and to go out and put a sectional championship team together is a cherry on top of the season. He thanked the Albany Golf Club and the Vannatter family for being great hosts for our girls’ golf team. He stated it seems the time change has gone smoothly today and that’s a testament to our administrators for the communication and for being willing to make that change.
Trent Fox – Mr. Fox thanked everyone for coming. He congratulated the girls’ golf team and stated that doesn’t happen very often so it’s exciting they were able to pull that off and move on to regionals. He hopes they have a good chance this Saturday. He stated for everyone to keep plugging away because that’s all we can do. He stated to keep moving forward, working hard, and find things that work and make our kids feel like they are important to us. He stated to continue and strive to educate and get them where they need to be to move forward in their lives as they move forward as adults. He stated to continue to find the things that will work.
Adam Williams – Mr. Williams stated he appreciates all the comments and concurs. He stated the girls’ golf team is a great highlight and is fantastic. He stated their win was by a significant number of strokes and it was a great showing by all the players involved and wonderful to see that. He stated it’s exciting to see the kids have an opportunity to do extra-curricular activities in general whether it’s a sport, band, etc. because they weren’t sure what was going to go on. He’s happy for them and happy seasons are happening with some hiccups here and there. He appreciates that’s been something everyone has worked hard to coordinate, make exceptions with, and do bizarre things to let our kids have a better chance of just being kids and enjoying these moments. He encourages everyone to stay smart, cautious, and don’t send your kids if they are sick. He understands everyone is trying to do the right thing. He stated to err on the side of caution to keep the school and kids healthy. He appreciates the efforts happening lately with a good streak of attendance and things are hopefully going well. He thinks they should make a motion for an annual event for the administrators to serve lunch once this is all over.
A regular meeting for the Board of School Trustees is scheduled for Monday, October 5, 2020 at 6:30 p.m. at the Administration Building.
A motion was made by Trent Fox and seconded by Lance Engle and Board President, Adam Williams, adjourned the meeting at 6:59 p.m.
September 21, 2020
ADAM WILLIAMS __________________________
TRENT FOX __________________________
LANCE ENGLE ___________________________
JACOB CASE ___________________________
JOHN ADAMS ___________________________