MONDAY, JULY 15, 2024
6:30 p.m.
Present: Lance Engle, President; Valerie Alexander, Vice President; Jacob Case, Secretary; Darin Gullion, Assistant Superintendent; and Greg Kile, Superintendent
Absent: John Adams, Member
At 6:30 p.m. Board President, Lance Engle called the meeting to order.
A motion was made by Valerie Alexander and seconded by Jacob Case to amend the agenda, as presented. The motion was approved 3-0 vote.
No comments were received.
A motion was made by Valerie Alexander and seconded by Jacob Case to approve the following under Consent Agenda:
Accepted the minutes of the business meeting held on June 17, 2024.
Accepted the list of vouchers, as presented.
Certified Staff
Classified Staff
Retirement of Carroll Clark, School Bus Driver, effective at the end of the 2023-24 school year.
Resignation of Jerry Smith, Custodian at Royerton Elementary School, effective July 12, 2024.
Resignation of Kaylee Allen, Custodian at Albany Elementary School, effective July 10, 2024.
Resignation of Danny Smith, Custodian at Delta Middle School, effective July 25, 2024.
Resignation of Hayley Nix, Latchkey Supervisor at Albany Elementary School, effective at the end of the 2023-24 school year.
Resignation of Julia Moore, Food Service Cook at Royerton Elementary School, effective June 28, 2024.
Recommendation to employ Ralf Haeussler as a Custodian at Royerton Elementary School effective July 16, 2024, pending successful completion of all pre-employment testing.
Recommendation to employ Charlie Pease as a Custodian at Albany Elementary School effective July 15, 2024.
Recommendation to employ Jane Ledbetter as a Food Service Cook at Delta Middle School effective August 5, 2024, pending successful completion of all pre-employment testing.
Recommendation to employ Melissa Adams as a Food Service Cook at Royerton Elementary School effective August 5, 2024, pending successful completion of all pre-employment testing.
Recommendation to increase hours for Rhonda Quinlan, Food Service Cook at Delta Middle School, from 3 hours to 5.75 hours per day effective August 5, 2024.
Recommendation to transfer Carley Kitchens from a Latchkey Assistant Supervisor to Supervisor at Albany Elementary School effective August 5, 2024.
Resignation of Caitlyn Grim, Academic Coach at Delta Middle School, effective immediately
Recommendation to employ Dorothya Schuler as a Flag Corp Coach at Delta High School effective for the 2024-25 school year.
Conference Requests/Field Trips
Kaysi Lampton requests permission to attend the Indiana AAC Summit to be held on September 27, 2024 at the IMMI Conference Center in Westfield, IN.
Use of Facilities
Kylie Johnson, Delta Volleyball, requests permission to use the Delta High School gymnasiums on July 19, 2024 from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. to hold a boys’ volleyball camp, as presented.
The motion was approved 3-0 vote.
Purchases over $5000:
A motion was made by Jacob Case and seconded by Valerie Alexander to approve the following (items 1-10):
Computer Logic Group OP $7,971.00
(PowerSchool hosting service)
Riverside Insights EDU/HA $8,312.00
Accurate Striping OP $12,003.00
(parking projects)
Boyce OP $45,206.00
(subscription projects)
C&T Design (Special Purchase) FS $75,636.60
(EES oven)
C&T Design (Special Purchase) FS $92,650.88
(EES serving line)
C&T Design (Special Purchase) FS $111,488.67
(EES dish machine)
I/C Collins OP $152,837.00
I/C Collins OP $301,896.00
Interface Services ESSER III $57,247.34
(DHS flooring)
The motion was made 3-0 vote.
Dr. Gullion, Assistant Superintendent, informed the Board about the 2025 Budget Timeline Review, as presented.
A motion was made by Valerie Alexander and seconded by Jacob Case to approve Form 9, as presented. The motion was approved 3-0 vote.
Dr. Gullion, Assistant Superintendent, gave a Monthly Finance Review, as presented.
Certified Staff
A motion was made by Jacob Case and seconded by Valerie Alexander to approve the recommendation to employ Terry Summers as a Teacher at Delta High School effective August 5, 2024. The motion was approve 3-0 vote.
A motion was made by Valerie Alexander and seconded by Jacob Case to approve the recommendation to employ Mindy Crawmer as a Teacher at Delta High School effective August 5, 2024, pending successful completion of all pre-employment testing. The motion was approved 3-0 vote.
Classified Staff
Information and Proposals
A motion was made by Valerie Alexander and seconded by Jacob Case to approve Latchkey Costs, as presented. The motion was approved 3-0 vote.
A motion was made by Valerie Alexander and seconded by Jacob Case to approve Latchkey Director pay, as presented. The motion was approved 3-0 vote.
A motion was made by Jacob Case and seconded by Valerie Alexander to approve transportation pay rates, as presented. The motion was approved 3-0 vote.
A motion as made by Valerie Alexander and seconded by Jacob Case to approve the Bus Driver Resolution, as presented. The motion was approved 3-0 vote.
A motion was made by Valerie Alexander and seconded by Jacob Case to approve the School Nurse Resolution, as presented. The motion was approved 3-0 vote.
A motion was made by Jacob Case and seconded by Valerie Alexander to approve the School Safety Resolution, as presented. The motion was approved 3-0 vote.
A motion was made by Valerie Alexander and seconded by Jacob Case to approve supplemental pay for earning a Master’s Degree, as presented. The motion was approved 3-0 vote.
A motion was made by Jacob Case and seconded by Valerie Alexander to approve the permission to hire, as presented. The motion was approved 3-0 vote.
Mr. Kile, Superintendent, informed the Board about Policy Updates- 1st Reading:
A motion was made by Jacob Case and seconded by Valerie Alexander to approve the Indiana State University Agreement, as presented. The motion was approved 3-0 vote.
Superintendent Kile informed the Board about the following fundraisers (information only):
Assistant Superintendent
A motion was made by Jacob Case and seconded by Valerie Alexander to approve the following (items 1-2):
Request for the Food Service Department to accept an anonymous donation of $180.00, as presented., as presented.
Request for Albany Elementary School to accept the donation of $180.00 in memory of Elenor Barrett, as presented.
The motion was approved 3-0 vote.
A motion was made by Jacob Case and seconded by Valerie Alexander to approve the request for Delta High School to surplus items, as presented. The motion was approved 3-0 vote.
Jacob Case – Mr. Case stated he hopes everyone has enjoyed their break so far and uses the last few weeks to recharge before we are back in the buildings. He gave a shout-out to Coach Cleland for his tennis camps. He stated they had kids from other school corporations attend from all over and it was great to see. He commented there was also a football camp and basketball going on as well. He stated there has been a lot going on at the schools with clean-up and getting ready for the school year. He gave a shout-out to Mr. Stebbins, Mr. Pyle, and their team. He stated a lot of people don’t realize when school is out, that is when the majority of the work gets done. He hopes everyone enjoys the rest of their break and comes back refreshed.
Valerie Alexander – Ms. Alexander concurred with Mr. Case on the tennis camps. She stated it is a well-oiled machine and they know because their kids attended. She thanked Ms. Wilder for her words and hopes she enjoys the rest of her summer. She stated she’s excited to see the new flooring in the Eaton gym, she’s sure it is really nice and she’s excited to see the new kitchen as well. She commented it’s time to get ready for the kids. She congratulated the new hires and stated she’s excited to have them. She hopes everyone enjoys the last of their summer before we get serious and back to work.
Lance Engle – Mr. Engle gave a shout-out to the anonymous donation to the food service department. He stated $180.00 to food service to clear up debt is greatly appreciated. He appreciates people stepping up and trying to help out our kids and families who need the help. He stated the donation in memory of Mrs. Barrett was a wonderful thing to do as well and is greatly appreciated. He stated it may be summer, but this corporation stays hopping with camps and lots of work being done by the custodial staff. He stated work crews stay hot and heavy getting things ready for the new school year and he appreciates all their hard work. He hopes everyone continues to enjoy the rest of their summer because we will be having students back before we know it.
A regular meeting for the Board of School Trustees is scheduled for Monday, August 5, 2024 at 6:30 p.m. at the Administration Building.
A motion was made by Jacob Case and seconded by Valerie Alexander and Board President, Lance Engle, adjourned the meeting at 7:00 p.m.
July 15, 2024