6:30 p.m.
Present: Valerie Alexander, President; Jacob Case, Vice President; John Adams, Secretary; Dave Grasso, Member; Lance Engle, Member; Darin Gullion, Assistant Superintendent; and Greg Kile, Superintendent
At 6:30 p.m. Superintendent Kile called the meeting to order.
At this time, Steve Murphy, DeFur Voran, swore in the following Board Members:
Jacob Case re-elected
John Adams re-elected
Superintendent Kile presided over the meeting for the organization of the Board of Education. He asked for nominations for Board President.
A motion was made by Jacob Case and seconded by Dave Grasso to nominate Valerie Alexander as President of the Board of Education for the year 2025. The motion was approved 5-0 vote.
Board of Education President, Valerie Alexander, asked for nominations for Vice-President of the Board of Education for the year 2025.
A motion was made by John Adams and seconded by Lance Engle to nominate Jacob Case as Vice President of the Board of Education for the year 2025. The motion was approved 5-0 vote.
Board of Education President, Valerie Alexander, asked for nominations for Secretary of the Board of Education for the year 2025.
A motion was made by Jacob Case and seconded by Lance Engle to nominate John Adams as Secretary of the Board of Education for the year 2025. The motion was approved 5-0 vote.
A motion was made by Lance Engle and seconded by John Adams to appoint Cheryl Dominick as Corporation Treasurer and Audra Bowman as Deputy Treasurer for the year 2025. The motion was approved 5-0 vote.
A motion was made by John Adams and seconded by Jacob Case to retain Steve Murphy of the DeFur, Voran, LLP Law Firm as the School Attorney for the year 2025 on an as needed basis. The motion was approved 5-0 vote.
A motion was made by John Adams and seconded by Jacob Case to hold regular school board meetings on the first and third Monday of each month at 6:30 p.m. for the year 2025. The Board of Education will meet at the Administration Office unless otherwise designated. The motion was approved 5-0 vote.
A motion was made by Jacob Case and seconded by Lance Engle to set the Board of Education compensation at the rates of $112 per regular meeting and $62 per special session. The motion was approved 5-0 vote.
A motion was made by Jacob Case and seconded by John Adams to appoint the position of Board President as the ISBA Delegate and ISBA Legislative Representative for the year 2025. The motion was approved 5-0 vote.
A motion was made by Jacob Case and seconded by John Adams to appoint Janelle Davis as the Board recording secretary and Lori Meadows as the alternate at a rate of $50.00 per meeting for the year 2025. The motion was approved 5-0 vote.
A motion was made by Lance Engle and seconded by Dave Grasso to appoint Jacob Case and John Adams to serve on the Bid Opening Committee for the year 2025. The motion was approved 5-0 vote.
A motion was made by John Adams and seconded by Dave Grasso to appoint all Board members to serve on the Board of Finance Committee for the year 2025. The motion was approved 5-0 vote.
At this time, the Board Members each shared, if any, conflict of interest disclosures:
John Adams, Board Member, stated his cousin Lisa Baker is currently employed with Delaware Community School Corporation.
Lance Engle, Board President, stated he has a relative Susan Barker who is currently employed with Delaware Community School Corporation and he owns Albany Hardware Store and Delaware Community School Corporation may make purchases during the year.
Jacob Case, Board Secretary, stated he works for 3D Company and Delaware Community School Corporation may make purchases during the year.
Valerie Alexander, Board President, stated she owns VKA Kitchen and Catering, LLC and Delaware Community School Corporation may make purchases during the year.
A motion was made by Lance Engle and seconded by Jacob Case to amend the agenda as presented. The motion was approved 5-0 vote.
No comments were received.
A motion was made by John Adams and seconded by Jacob Case to approve the following under Consent Agenda:
Accepted the minutes of the business meeting held on Monday, December 16, 2024.
Accepted the list of vouchers, as presented.
Approval of the IRS mileage rate (70 cents), as presented.
Approval of the Resolution to transfer amounts from the Education Fund to the Operations Fund Monthly.
Approval of end of year balancing of all accounts, as presented.
Certified Staff
Classified Staff
Resignation of Katie Kosanovich, Latchkey Aide at Royerton Elementary School, effective immediately.
Resignation of Ava West, Latchkey Aide at Royerton Elementary School, effective December 20, 2024.
Recommendation to employ Jordan Overholt as a School Nurse at Delta Middle School effective January 6, 2025.
Recommendation to employ Brandon Lake as a Custodian at Delta High School effective January 2, 2025.
Recommendation to employ Brian Kemp as a Bus Driver effective January 6, 2025, pending successful completion of all pre-employment testing.
Recommendation to employ Bradley Buck as a Bus Aide effective January 6, 2025, pending successful completion of all pre-employment testing.
Recommendation to employ Amanda Roach as a Latchkey Assistant Supervisor at Eaton Elementary School effective January 6, 2025.
Recommendation to transfer Kristy Burns from a Secretary at Eaton Elementary School to Delta High School effective immediately.
Resignation of Scott McIntosh, JV Boys’ Basketball Coach at Delta High School, effective immediately.
Recommendation to appoint Tavis Rattray as a Volunteer Assistant Baseball Coach at Delta High School effective for the 2024-25 school year, pending successful completion of all pre-employment testing.
Conference Requests/Field Trips
Use of Facilities
The motion was approved 5-0 vote.
A motion was made by Jacob Case and seconded by Dave Grasso to approve the following (item 1):
Purchases over $5000:
Ed Martin OP $26,409.25
(Maintenance vehicle)
The motion was approved 5-0 vote.
A motion was made by Lance Engle and seconded by John Adams to approve the Vector Solutions Contract, as presented. The motion was approved 5-0 vote.
A motion was made by Dave Grasso and seconded by John Adams to approve Portland Insurance Coverage and Premiums ($292,777), as presented. The motion was approved 5-0 vote.
Certified Staff
Delta High Teacher
Resignation- No motion made.
A motion was made by Jacob Case and seconded by John Adams to approve the termination of Megan Byard, Teacher at Delta High School, effective December 17, 2024. The motion was approved 5-0 vote.
A motion was made by John Adams and seconded by Lance Engle to approve the recommendation to employ Jeremy Lochner as a Teacher, Head Football Coach, and Spring/Summer Weight Room Supervisor at Delta High School. The motion was approved 5-0 vote.
Classified Staff
Information and Proposals
A motion was made by Jacob Case and seconded by Dave Grasso to approve the DHS Long Term Sub, as presented. The motion was approved 5-0 vote.
A motion was made by Lance Engle and seconded by Jacob Case to approve the DHS Wrestling Trips, as presented. The motion was approved 5-0 vote.
A motion was made by Jacob Case and seconded by John Adams to approve the bus cleaner/custodial pay update, as presented. The motion was approved 5-0 vote.
Superintendent Kile informed the Board about the following fundraisers:
Assistant Superintendent
A motion was made by John Adams and seconded by Jacob Case to approve the request for Eaton Elementary School to accept the donation of headphones from Dean Miers, as presented. The motion was approved 5-0 vote.
Lance Engle – Mr. Engle congratulated Ms. Alexander, Mr. Case, and Mr. Adams on their new board positions. He hopes everyone enjoyed their extended winter break and had a chance to take time off and spend with their families. He welcomed Mr. Lochner and stated it’s an exciting time at Delta High School. He commented we don’t get new head football coaches often so it’s exciting. He wished good luck to all winter sports as they continue their seasons.
Dave Grasso – Dr. Grasso concurred with his fellow board member. He congratulated the music students and Delta University on the certification.
John Adams – Mr. Adams concurred with his fellow board members. He welcomed Mr. Lochner and his family. He thanked Mr. Miers for his donation and commented they see his name often and are very appreciative of his donations. He congratulated Ms. Alexander on her new board position. He stated Board President is a big job and he knows she’ll do well.
Jacob Case – Mr. Case concurred with his fellow board members. He welcomed Mr. Lochner to the DelCom family and appreciates him taking the job. He welcomed everyone back and hopes they had a great holiday. He welcomed all new employees. He gave a shout-out to the girls’ swim team and stated they did a great job on Saturday and it was a great thing to watch. He stated if anyone’s children would like to try swimming, it gets them in shape so have them try it. He congratulated Ms. Alexander on her board president seat.
Valerie Alexander – Ms. Alexander congratulated Mr. Case and Mr. Adams on their board re-elections. She looks forward to working with this great team again this year. She welcomed Mr. Lochner and is looking forward to the great things to come. She is excited to lead the board and she appreciates the confidence and will be appreciative of any help along the way with their years of experience and knowledge.
A Board of Finance Meeting is scheduled for Monday, January 20, 2025 at 6:30 p.m. at the Administration Building.
A regular meeting for the Board of School Trustees is scheduled for Monday, January 20, 2025 immediately following the Board of Finance Meeting.
A motion was made by Jacob Case and seconded by Lance Engle and Board President, Valerie Alexander, adjourned the meeting at 7:21 p.m.
A Work Session was held immediately following the business meeting.
January 6, 2025