November 16, 2020




6:30 p.m.



Present:  Trent Fox, Vice President; Lance Engle, Secretary; Jacob Case, Member; John Adams, Member; Darin Gullion, Assistant Superintendent

Absent:  Adam Williams, President; Reece Mann, Superintendent


At 6:30 p.m. Board Vice President, Trent Fox, called the meeting to order.



A motion was made by John Adams and seconded by Lance Engle to amend the agenda, as presented.  The motion was approved 4-0 vote.


A motion was made by Lance Engle and seconded by Jacob Case to accept   the minutes of the business meeting and executive session held on    November 2, 2020.  The motion was approved 4-0 vote.


  1. A motion was made by John Adams and seconded by Jacob Case to accept the list of vouchers, as presented.  The motion was approved 4-0 vote.

  1. Purchases over $7500:

  1. None.

  1. A motion was made by Lance Engle and seconded by Jacob Case to approve the AdTec Contract, as presented. The motion was approved         4-0 vote.

  1. A motion was made by Jacob Case and seconded by John Adams to approve the Secured Schools Grant ($55,000.00), as presented.  The motion was approved 4-0 vote.

  1. A motion was made by John Adams and seconded by Lance Engle to approve the Teacher Appreciation Grant ($98,792.95), as presented.  The motion was approved 4-0 vote.


Scott Blakely, Eaton Elementary Principal, introduced Ms. Turner who he is recommending to be an Instructional Assistant.  He stated hopefully this will be the final one this year with no more changes.

Haley Cross, Food Service Director, informed everyone on October 1st they began feeding students’ free breakfast and lunch.  She stated the numbers have gradually increased with time.  She was surprised with how many kids didn’t know about it and stated it helped at the high school when Mr. Conley, during morning announcements, reminded them they can eat for free.  She thanked the principals and teachers for reminding and encouraging students to go down there.  She informed everyone at the high school the breakfast numbers have tripled and not only are the numbers getting higher and they’re feeding more kids, but the reimbursement amount from federal dollars is significantly higher.  She stated in September they served 26,000 meals and received about $50,000.00 back and in October they served 330,000 meals and received over $125,000.00 back.  She stated they can feed the kids for free and support their program with that reimbursement money.  She stated tonight she has a recommendation to continue this program.  She stated the USDA originally pushed this waiver to go through December, but they have added an extension to go through June 2021 so she definitely recommends continuing the program as long as they can.  She thanked her staff for all the work they’ve been doing and being so flexible with everything that has been thrown their way.  She stated her managers have done a great job of leading their staff.  She gave a huge shout-out to everything they are doing on top of the Health Department just walking in at any time.  She informed everyone they had reviews at the middle school and high school and they did very well.  She appreciates all their work right now.


  1. Certified Staff

  1. None.

  1. Classified Staff

A motion was made by Lance Engle and seconded by Jacob Case to approve the following (items 1-2):

  1. Resignation of Haley Sarrazine, Instructional Assistant at Delta High School, effective November 3, 2020.

  1. Resignation of Kylie Allen, Food Service Cook at Delta High School, effective immediately. To remain on the sub list.

The motion was approved 4-0 vote.

A motion was made by Jacob Case and seconded by Lance Engle to approve the following (item 3):

  1. Recommendation to employ Chantel Turner as an Instructional Assistant at Eaton Elementary School effective immediately, pending successful completion of all pre-employment testing.

The motion was approved 4-0 vote.

  1. Extra-Curricular

A motion was made by John Adams and seconded by Lance Engle to approve the following (items 1-4):

  1. Recommendation to employ David Locke as an Assistant Wrestling Coach at Delta High School effective for the 2020-21 school year.

  1. Recommendation to employ Jagen Arnold as an Assistant Coed Swim Coach at Delta Middle School effective for the 2020-21 school year.

  1. Recommendation to appoint Gary Schliessman as a Volunteer Assistant Wrestling Coach at Delta High School effective for the    2020-21 school year.

  1. Recommendation to appoint Kyle Mosier as a Volunteer Assistant Wrestling Coach at Delta High School effective for the 2020-21 school year, pending successful completion of all pre-employment testing.

The motion was approved 4-0 vote.

  1. Conference Requests/Field Trips

A motion was made by Lance Engle and seconded by Jacob Case to approve the following (item 1):

  1. Adrianne Wingler requests permission to attend IMEA’s Professional Development Conference to be held virtually from January 14, 2021 through January 16, 2021.

The motion was approved 4-0 vote.

  1. Information and Proposals

  1. Superintendent

  1. Dr. Gullion informed the Board about the following fundraisers:

  1. Wendy Brown and Morgan Jones, Delta Junior Honor Society, request permission to hold a Secret Families fundraiser from November 9, 2020 through November 23, 2020, as presented.  Proceeds go towards Secret Families.

    1. Suzy Fox, DHS Class of 2021, requests permission to sell Senior Ball Bids from December 1, 2020 through December 11, 2020, as presented.  Proceed go towards catering expenses for Senior Ball.

    1. Suzy Fox, DHS Class of 2022, requests permission to sell Prom Bids from March 1, 2021 through March 12, 2021, as presented.  Proceeds go towards expenses for Prom.

  1. Assistant Superintendent

  1. Use of Facilities:

    1. None.

  1. A motion was made by John Adams and seconded by Jacob Case to approve the extension to the Food Service Meal Program, as presented.  The motion was approved 4-0 vote.

  1. A motion was made by Lance Engle and seconded by Jacob Case to approve the request for Royerton Elementary School to surplus items, as presented.  The motion was approved 4-0 vote.

  1. Donations:

A motion was made by John Adams and seconded by Lance Engle to approve the following (item 1):

  1. Request for Delta High School to accept a donation in the amount of $500.00 from Curt Howard and Family, as presented.  

The motion was approved 4-0 vote.



John Adams – Mr. Adams welcomed all new employees and stated it’s always nice to see them come to the meeting and be a part of the family.  He thanked all the employees who are leaving for their time.  He thanked Curt Howard and family for their donation and Ms. Cross and her team for what they’re doing.  He’s sure it’s a struggle at times and he greatly appreciates what they’re doing.  He thanked her for taking the extra time to move stuff around so it can be used and he greatly appreciates that.  He stated he was talking with Mr. Kile before the meeting about Mr. Parrott and the virtual program.  He wanted to give him a shout-out to that program because it sounds as if things are going well.  He didn’t want the things Mr. Parrott has been doing to go unnoticed and for the teachers as well who are making sure the students who took the virtual program keep going.  He’s glad to hear that seems to be going very well.  He asked everyone to please keep our Superintendent and others in our community in their thoughts and prayers as people are battling things on a personal level.  He stated it would be greatly appreciated and those folks can certainly use it at this time.  

Jacob Case – Mr. Case concurred with his fellow board member.  He thanked the food service staff for all the hard work they are putting in serving a lot of meals.  He welcomed Ms. Turner to the DelCom family.  He thanked Mr. Howard and family for the donation.  He stated to keep Mr. Mann in your thoughts and prayers and all others who are suffering and battling different things.

Lance Engle – Mr. Engle concurred with his fellow board members.  He stated if you read the paper or pick up a tablet or phone, it seems as if everything is doom and gloom.  He stated when he looks at our website and our numbers, he’s very encouraged.  He stated with the people in quarantine and the numbers, he feels the things we put in place at the beginning of the school year are showing that we care about our students and staff because the people actually getting Covid and the ones in quarantine, he thinks our numbers have stayed relatively low.  He is encouraged by all the policies we put in place earlier in the year and with how we’ve been able to stay face-to-face for the most part.  He stated even though the middle school and Royerton are out for a few weeks, he’s still encouraged with how well we are maintaining social distancing and preventing the spread in our schools. He thanked the principals, staff, teachers, and students.  He stated the students are doing a great job and he appreciates all the hard work they’re doing throughout the buildings. 

Trent Fox – Mr. Fox appreciates everyone being here this evening.  He thanked Ms. Cross for the numbers and presentation and stated that’s a heck of a bump in the numbers for the free meals as far as getting that kind of money.  He stated that will help out quite a bit over the next few months.  He hopes those trends continue and the number of meals staying at that kind of level, which will be a nice thing for our food service program.  He thanked her for looking into the program and making that a possibility for us.  He asked everyone to keep Mr. Mann and his family in their prayers with everything they are going through.  He knows there are a lot of people dealing with different kinds of illnesses and it’s a rough time of year to be going through that kind of stuff with the holidays coming up.  He thinks they are all going to be dealing with different things they maybe haven’t dealt with before.  He hopes everyone can see family in some way and enjoy the holidays to the best of their ability.  He hopes we can manage to get through five more weeks before Christmas break.  He knows the numbers keep rising and stated the biggest thing for us is maintaining our staff and trying to keep them healthy so we can still teach our students.  He stated if we can keep our staff in the buildings and able to teach and keep kids coming, he thinks we are in good shape from that standpoint.  He stated keeping food service safe and about every aspect of the building safe then we are doing a really good thing right now.  He knows it’s a struggle and keeping track of all of that is a huge undertaking.  He appreciates everyone involved who are trying to make sure we are staying on top and keeping track of all that.  He appreciates all the hard work and effort that’s going into that as well. He hopes everyone can be safe over the Thanksgiving holiday, enjoy time with family, and enjoy some days away from the electronics because that’s the world we live in right now.


  1. A regular meeting for the Board of School Trustees is scheduled for Monday, December 7, 2020 at 6:30 p.m. at the Administration Building.


A motion was made by John Adams and seconded by Lance Engle and Board  Vice President, Trent Fox, adjourned the meeting at 6:54 p.m.

November 16, 2020

ADAM WILLIAMS                                   __________________________

TRENT FOX                                                      __________________________

LANCE ENGLE                                               ___________________________

JACOB CASE                                                   ___________________________

JOHN ADAMS         ___________________________