April 3, 2023




6:30 p.m. 



Present:  John Adams, President; Adam Williams, Vice President; Lance Engle, Secretary; Alice Gillis, Member; Valerie Alexander, Member; Darin Gullion, Assistant Superintendent; and Greg Kile, Superintendent


At 6:30 p.m. Board President, John Adams called the meeting to order.



A motion was made by Lance Engle and seconded by Adam Williams to amend the agenda as presented.  The motion was approved 5-0 vote.


No comments were received.


  1. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS: Baker Tilly/Ice Miller

     Matt Mayol


A motion was made by Adam Williams and seconded by Lance Engle to approve the following under Consent Agenda:


Accepted the minutes of the business meeting held on Monday, March 6, 2023.


  1. Accepted the list of vouchers, as presented. 


  1. Certified Staff

  1. Retirement of Lisa Cook, Teacher at Eaton Elementary School, effective at the end of the 2022-23 school year.

  1. Resignation of Jon Kern, Teacher at Delta High School, effective            April 21, 2023.

  1. Classified Staff

  1. Retirement of Connie Shank, School Bus Driver, effective at the end of the 2022-23 school year.

  1. Resignation of Ashley Taylor, Food Service Cook at Delta High School, effective March 16, 2023.  To remain a sub.

  1. Recommendation to employ Jerry Smith as a Grounds employee effective March 27, 2023.

  1. Recommendation to transfer Amy Crall from a full-time School Bus Driver to a part-time School Bus Driver effective March 3, 2023.

  1. Extra-Curricular

  1. Resignation of Jon Kern, Freshman Football Coach, Freshman Boys’ Basketball Coach, and Assistant Boys’ Track Coach at Delta High School, effective April 21, 2023.

  1. Resignation of Andy Lewman, Open Gym Supervisor at Delta High School, effective immediately.

  1. Resignation of Joel Van Pelt, 6th Grade Boys’ Basketball Coach at Delta Middle School, effective immediately.

  2. Resignation of Jacob Van Pelt, 7th Grade Assistant Football Coach at Delta Middle School, effective immediately.

  1. Resignation of Nannette Triplett, Science Department Head, Science Fair Chair, and Academic Coach at Delta Middle School, effective at the end of the 2022-23 school year.

  1. Resignation of Lauren Matheny, Coed Cross Country Coach, Science Fair Chair, and Academic Coach at Delta Middle School, effective at the end of the 2022-23 school year.

  1. Recommendation to appoint Logan Lewis as a Volunteer Assistant Varsity Softball Coach at Delta High School effective for the 2022-23 school year.

  1. Conference Requests/Field Trips

  1. Rachel Vance and Shanon Smith request permission to attend the           Co-Teaching Seminar to be held virtually on April 10, 2023.

  1. Lindsey Thompson requests permission to attend the UNITE Meeting to be held on April 10, 2023 at Noblesville High School in Noblesville, IN.

  1. Mark Detweiler requests permission to attend the IBCA State Conference to be held on April 21, 2023 at Mt. Vernon in Fortville, IN.

  1. Doug Fant requests permission to attend the Robotics World Competition to be held from May 1, 2023 through May 5, 2023 at the Kay Bailey Hutchinson Convention Center in Dallas, TX.

  1. Amy Lewman, Chyenne Wilder, Ryan Parrott, and Amy Larrabee request permission to attend Science of Reading 101 to be held on May 2, 2023 at WVEC in West Lafayette, IN.

  1. Shawn Churchill and Mary May request permission to attend Acquisition Academy to be held from June 22, 2023 through June 24, 2023 at St. Rita Catholic School in Dallas, TX.

  1. Chaise Penrod requests permission to attend IC Bus University to be held from June 26, 2023 through June 30, 2023 at the Training Center in Tulsa, OK.

  1. Allison Overholt, Audrey Young, and Jillian Renbarger request permission to attend the Building Thinking Classrooms Conference to be held from June 29, 2023 through June 30, 2023 at Franklin High School in Franklin, IN.

  1. Chris Conley, Joey Gossett, Cindy Kunda, James Lodl, Nancy Kunk, Sam Carlton, and Mary May request permission to attend the RECN Network Meeting to be held on April 13, 2023 at Conner Prairie in Noblesville, IN.

  1. Taylor Lennon requests permission to attend Prom to be held on          April 28, 2023 at the Wedding Factory in Albany, IN.

  1. Taylor Lennon requests permission to attend the Zoo Field Trip to be held on May 5, 2023 at the Fort Wayne Zoo in Fort Wayne, IN.

  1. Use of Facilities

  1. Nick Pipito, Delta Little League, requests permission to use the Albany ball diamond from March 2023 through December 2023 to hold league, as presented.

  1. Aaron Wine, Midwest Canes 17U Baseball, requests permission to use the Royerton Senior League baseball field from March 2023 through August 2023 to hold practices, as presented.  

  1. Lance Engle and Brad Davis, Indiana Lightning Travel Baseball Team, requests permission to use the DMS baseball field from March 2023 through July 2023 to hold practices, as presented.

  1. Joyce Hamilton, Town of Albany, requests permission to use the Albany ball diamond on July 8, 2023 to hold the Albany Freedom Festival, pending Certificate of Liability Insurance Form.

The motion was approved 5-0 vote.



  1. Purchases over $5000:

A motion was made by Lance Engle and seconded by Valerie Alexander to approve the following (items 1-5):

  1.  The One Man Band ESSER III $5,000.00

(Band sousaphones)

  1. Electronic Strategies OP $28,516.80

(Dell desktop/monitors)

  1. Shorts Glass OP $12,040.00

(RES recess doors)

  1. 832 W Liberty St RD $128,500.00

(purchase agreement)

  1. 808 W Liberty St RD $136,750.00

(purchase agreement)

The motion was approved 5-0 vote.

  1. A motion was made by Alice Gillis and seconded by Valerie Alexander to approve the Adopt Reimbursement Resolution for Projects, as presented.  The motion was approved 5-0 vote.

  1. Dr. Gullion gave a Monthly Finance Review.


Superintendent Kile informed the Board about the following (items A-C):

  1. Elementary Student Handbook- 1st Reading.

  1. Delta Middle School Student Handbook- 1st Reading.

  1. Delta High School Student Handbook- 1st Reading.

  1. Certified Staff

  1. A motion was made by Lance Engle and seconded by Alice Gillis to approve the recommendation to employ Chyenne Wilder as a Principal at Eaton Elementary School effective July 1, 2023.  The motion was approved 5-0 vote.

  1. A motion was made by Valerie Alexander and seconded by Adam Williams to approve the recommendation to employ Samantha Clock as a Counselor at Delta Middle School effective for the 2023-24 school year.  The motion was approved 5-0 vote.

  1. Information and Proposals

  1. Superintendent

  1. A motion was made by Lance Engle and seconded by Alice Gillis to approve the DMS New Course Request, as presented.  The motion was approved 5-0 vote.

  1. A motion was made by Adam Williams and seconded by Valerie Alexander to approve the RES Robotics Trip, as presented.  The motion was approved 5-0 vote.

  1. Superintendent Kile informed the Board about the DHS Basketball Trip, as presented.  

  1. A motion was made by Alice Gillis and seconded by Valerie Alexander to approve the DHS Cheer Trip, as presented.  The motion was approved 5-0 vote.

  1. A motion was made by Adam Williams and seconded by Lance Engle to approve the DHS Band Trip, as presented.  The motion was approved 5-0 vote.

  1. A motion was made by Lance Engle and seconded by Alice Gillis to approve the Albany Real Estate Resolution, as presented.  The motion was approved 5-0 vote.

  1. A motion was made by Valerie Alexander and seconded by Lance Engle to approve the Baker Tilly Agreement, as presented.  The motion was approved 5-0 vote.

  1. Superintendent Kile informed the Board about the following fundraisers:

  1. Lynde Bratton, Delta Cheer Boosters, requests permission to sell flowers from March 31, 2023 through April 24, 2023, as presented.  Proceeds go towards competition fees, music, senior gifts, state, etc.

  1. Devin Wilburn, DHS Baseball, requests permission to sell discount cards from April 3, 2023 through the end of the season, as presented.  Proceeds go towards the baseball program.

  1. Zoie Twibell, DHS Unified Track, requests permission to sell Little Caesars pizza kits from April 5, 2023 through                   May 5, 2023, as presented.  Proceeds go towards uniforms, equipment, and snacks.

  1. Megan Stroble, EES Student Council, requests permission to hold a hat day on April 6, 2023, as presented.  Proceeds go towards student council funds and student activities.

  1. Elana Camp, DHS Choir, requests permission to hold a Talent Show on April 28, 2023, as presented.  Proceeds go towards festival fees and classroom needs.

  1. Megan Stroble, EES Student Council, requests permission to sell Smencils from May 1, 2023 through May 5, 2023, as presented.  Proceeds go towards student council and student activities.

  1. Lynde Bratton, DHS Cheer, requests permission to hold a Cheer Clinic from June 27, 2023 through June 28, 2023, as presented.  Proceeds go towards competition fees, clothing, and misc. expenses.

  1. Devin Wilburn, DHS Baseball, requests permission to hold a golf outing on September 9, 2023, as presented.  Proceeds go towards the baseball program.

  1. Elana Camp, DHS Choir, requests permission to sell Munsee Meats from April 24, 2023 through May 5, 2023, as presented.  Proceeds go towards the Nashville trip.

  1. Assistant Superintendent

  1. Donations:

A motion was made by Valerie Alexander and seconded by Alice Gillis to approve the following (items 1-3):

  1. Request for Delta High School to accept a donation in the amount of $20.oo from the Blackbaud Giving Fund, as presented.

  2. Request for Delta High School to accept a donation in the amount of $30.00 from Faye Bauer, as presented.

  3. Request for Delta High School to accept a donation in the amount of $300.00 from Bryce Bow, as presented.

The motion was approved 5-0 vote.

  1. A motion was made by Adam Williams and seconded by Lance Engle to approve the Food2School Cooperative, as presented.  The motion was approved 5-0 vote.

  2. A motion was made by Lance Engle and seconded by Valerie Alexander to approve the request for Delta High School Media Center to surplus items, as presented.  The motion was approved 5-0 vote.



Valerie Alexander – Ms. Alexander congratulated Ms. Wilder and stated she’s excited for her to be at Eaton.  She commented she won’t be too sad since Mr. Blakely will still be around and Eaton will be in good hands.  She’s excited about the IREAD passing score.  She stated that’s exciting news and thinks it’s neat.  She congratulated the Robotics team at Royerton and Ms. Clock on her new position.  She knows she’ll do a great job.  

Alice Gillis – Ms. Gillis congratulated Ms. Cook on her retirement and stated she’s tremendous.  She stated she’s been in her classroom and she doesn’t know how she manages all those little ones.  She congratulated Ms. Wilder and stated she will do very well at Eaton and Ms. Clock on her new position at Delta Middle School.  She wished good luck to the Royerton Robotics team on their endeavors.  She commented the 87% score for IREAD is very good and also wanted to brag on the $21,000 raised for Riley Dance Marathon.  She stated she drove through Eaton the Wednesday of spring break and couldn’t get through the town because of all the sheriff’s departments across the state.  She stated she ran into Mr. Marshall and Mr. Kile and they spent a lot of their time and effort on spring break to be there and you don’t see that everywhere. 

Lance Engle – Mr. Engle thanked everyone for coming and stated it’s good to see everyone and they can laugh, have fun, and enjoy each other’s company.  He can’t say enough about the outstanding IREAD scores.  He stated it’s a wonderful tribute to the kids and teachers for the work they put in to achieve that.  He stated winter sports teams had a lot of accolades and we are already starting with accolades with spring sports with track and field setting records already.  He wished good luck to spring sports.  He thanked everyone doing trips in the spring and summer for our kids.  He stated those who go out of the way to do those things, it means a lot to the kids and is a great opportunity for kids to show off their talents to the community.  

Adam Williams – Mr. Williams stated the IREAD scores were better than the projections we had from NWEA and that’s phenomenal.  He stated it was a good projection that testing presented and it’s great that the scores were even better so kudos to the kids and teachers involved.  He stated his fellow board members covered all the trips and congratulated the Royerton Robotics team.  He commented spring sports have started up and it’s nice to see everybody out there.  He hopes everyone enjoyed time away for spring break and they are ready to buckle down because before you know it, it will be the end of the year.

John Adams – Mr. Adams concurred with his fellow board members.  He hopes everyone had a wonderful spring break, whether they were here or away.  He stated Facebook was full of pictures with people having fun so that was good to see.  He congratulated Ms. Wilder and welcomed Ms. Clock to her new role and thanked them for being here this evening.  He thanked Ms. Cook, Ms. Shank, and all those resigning for their time and effort because they’ve all affected our kids one way or another.  He stated with the missing student, it was neat to see all of the DelCom people who were there to support that.  He thanked everyone for all they did and the time and effort they put in for that because it’s greatly appreciated.  He thanked everyone for their donations and stated whether it’s big money or little money, money is money and we will take it and put it to good use for our kids.  He thanked Dr. Gullion, Mr. Kile, and Mr. Murphy and stated a lot has gone on with getting Baker Tilly, Mr. Mayol, and Mr. Parrott together.  He stated everyone has been instrumental in letting people into the buildings and getting all this together because there is a lot behind the scenes with projects.  He stated all of this as well as running school day to day and then you throw these projects on top, a lot goes on and a lot of people behind the scenes are getting things done to make sure they can present it so everyone has the right information.


  1. A Public Hearing on Projects is scheduled for Monday, April 17, 2023 at 6:30 p.m. at the Administration Building.

  1. A regular meeting of the Board of School Trustees is scheduled immediately following the Hearing.


A motion was made by Alice Gillis and seconded by Valerie Alexander and Board President, John Adams, adjourned the meeting at 7:49 p.m.

April 3, 2023

JOHN ADAMS