April 19, 2016




6:30 p.m.



Present:  Adam Williams, President; Trent Fox, Vice President; John Adams, Secretary; Alice Gillis, Member; Tyce Stebbins, Member; Darin Gullion, Assistant Superintendent; and Reece Mann, Superintendent

I.                   CALL TO ORDER

At 6:30 p.m. Board President, Adam Williams, called the meeting to order.



III.             AMEND AGENDA

A motion was made by Tyce Stebbins and seconded by Trent Fox to amend the agenda, as presented.  The motion was approved unanimously.


IV.              MINUTES

A motion was made by John Adams and seconded by Tyce Stebbins to accept the minutes of the business meeting and executive session held on Tuesday, April 5, 2016.  The motion was approved unanimously.

V.                 FINANCE

A.     A motion was made by Tyce Stebbins and seconded by Alice Gillis to accept the list of vouchers, as presented.  The motion was approved unanimously.


B.     Purchases over $7500:

1.       None



Kelly Brown, Delta Middle School Principal, stated at the Academic Team pre-meet, three out of five areas scored 2nd place and the State Tournament will be April 30th.  She stated the Jazz Band Concert was last Thursday and they did a fabulous job and she really enjoyed it.  She informed everyone the jazz band consists of students that meet one day a week on a volunteer basis.  Ms. Brown stated they have one day down for ISTEP and three more to go.  She is so thankful for this because last year was thirteen days of testing and to know they are getting the majority done in four days is a blessing due to Chromebooks. 

Doug Marshall, Royerton Elementary School Principal, stated they had the Father/Daughter Dance last week that the PTO sponsored.  He said they had a great turn-out and it was a really nice night.  Mr. Marshall is glad they were able to celebrate fathers and daughters.  He stated on Friday they had their Parent Appreciation Day from 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. with a great turn-out as well.  He stated they had the book fair in conjunction with that and Ms. Grismore did a phenomenal job.  Mr. Marshall wanted to thank everyone involved in these activities.

Chris Conley, Delta High School Principal, stated 2 weeks ago they had their annual Talent Show with the proceeds benefiting the music programs. They sold 480 tickets.  Mr. Conley commented the most impressive thing was a parent told him he should be very proud because there wasn’t a student there who misbehaved one time the entire night.  He stated they raised over $2,400.00 and got to showcase the abilities of their high school student body.  A few weeks ago Mr. Conley talked about the Integrity Awards that were awarded and wanted everyone to know Audrey Summers finished 3rd and Joli Finley finished 1stin the high school division.  Mr. Conley congratulated the senior class for taking time at the DelCom Foundation Banquet to honor Bobby Blevins who has been a custodian at the high school for over 19 years.  He stated Bobby has some physical issues that are keeping him from working right now. He said you could see the look on Bobby’s face and the kids’ faces that they miss each other.  He stated it was amazing to listen to Jacob Brewer talk about all the things Bobby has done for them that have nothing to do with being a custodian.  To listen to Jacob talk about how important Bobby has been to all of those kids brought tears to several eyes and Bobby’s too.  Mr. Conley informed everyone Nick Bantz received the Cato Scholarship from Methodist Sports Medicine Thursday night with the Indianapolis Colts being the honorees.  He stated the Environmental Club was out Saturday morning picking up trash along State Road 28.  Gary Marvin, Security Officer, was gracious enough to come out and be with them in his car to help make sure everyone saw them.  He stated this is a new club that was formed this school year with Dr. Brand.  Mr. Conley informed everyone on Tuesday, Anna Groover will receive the 2016 Indiana Academic All Star Award.  She was asked to name a teacher she would like to go with her and she chose Dr. Brand so he will be attending as well.

Greg Kile, Eaton Elementary School Principal, stated they are two days into ISTEP and have two more to go.  He wanted to highlight the teachers, students, and parents who move mountains over the course of these few days to make all of this happen.  He stated there is a lot of effort that goes into this and wanted to thank everyone for making it work.  He said they are off to a good start and are very grateful for the Chromebooks because they have been a game changer.  Mr. Kile informed everyone Camp Tecumseh is coming up and they are excited about taking the 4th and 5th graders again and are looking forward to the experience.  He stated they had Pastries for Parents and it was a great turn-out and nice to see everybody.  He informed everyone the Kindergarten teachers at Eaton are meeting with parents of the Kindergarteners who will attend this fall.  He stated this is not common practice and he feels it is a great thing.  They do kindergarten round-up, where the kids and parents get to come in and meet them.  Then tonight they get 15 minutes of facetime with one of their teachers where they hear it’s going to be okay and what the plan is for the fall which builds trust and rapport before the school year even starts.  He thanked the Board for giving them the opportunity to do that.




A.     A motion was made by John Adams and seconded by Tyce Stebbins to approve the Elementary School Rule Folder Changes (2nd Reading), as presented.  The motion was approved unanimously.

B.     Mr. Mann informed the Board about the Delta Middle School Handbook (1st Reading).

C.     Mr. Mann informed the Board about the Delta High School Handbook (1st Reading).

D.    Mr. Mann informed the Board about the Transportation Handbook (1st Reading).

E.     Mr. Mann informed the Board about the Elementary Textbook Adoption (1st Reading).

F.     Mr. Mann informed the Board about the Delta Middle School and Delta High School Textbook Adoption (1st Reading).

G.    Certified Staff

1.       A motion was made by Alice Gillis and seconded by Tyce Stebbins to approve the recommendation for Kristina Carpenter, Teacher at Delta High School, to take a one year leave of absence for the 2016-17 school year and return for the 2017-18 school year.  The motion was approved unanimously.

2.      A motion was made by Trent Fox and seconded by Alice Gillis to approve the recommendation to employ Victoria Vaughn as a 6th Grade Language Arts/Reading/Math Teacher at Delta Middle School effective August 1, 2016, pending successful completion of all pre-employment testing.  The motion was approved unanimously.

3.      A motion was made by Alice Gillis and seconded by John Adams to approve the recommendation to employ Julie Marshall as an Elementary Teacher at Eaton Elementary School effective August 1, 2016. The motion was approved unanimously.


H.    Classified Staff

1.       A motion was made by Tyce Stebbins and seconded by Alice Gillis to approve the recommendation to employ Nathan Coffey as a Custodian at Central Office/Transportation/Delta Middle School, effective April 18, 2016.  The motion was approved unanimously.

2.      A motion was made by John Adams and seconded by Trent Fox to approve the request for authority to hire a Delta High School Treasurer before the next scheduled board meeting.  The motion was approved unanimously.

I.       Extra-Curricular

A motion was made by Trent Fox and seconded by Tyce Stebbins to approve the following (items 1-3):

1.       Resignation of Robert Summer, Delta High School Student Council Co-Sponsor, effective May 26, 2016.

2.     Resignation of Pamela Addison, Eaton Elementary School Student Council Sponsor, effective at the end of the 2015-16 school year.

3.      Resignation of David Reade, Assistant Varsity Boys’ Basketball Coach at Delta High School, effective April 11, 2016.

The motion was approved unanimously.

A motion was made by Tyce Stebbins and seconded by John Adams to approve the following (items 4-9):

4.      Recommendation to appoint Joseph Rogers as a Volunteer Assistant 6th/7th/8th Grade Track Coach at Delta Middle School effective for the 2015-16 school year, pending successful completion of all pre-employment testing.

5.      Recommendation to appoint Jacob Burkle as a Volunteer Assistant Boys’ Soccer Coach at Delta High School effective for the 2015-16 school year.

6.      Recommendation to employ Jim Fowler as a Head Varsity Girls’ Golf Coach at Delta High School effective for the 2016-17 school year, pending successful completion of all pre-employment testing.

7.      Recommendation to employ Alli Juskevice as a Head Varsity Girls’ Cheer Coach at Delta High School effective for the 2016-17 school year, pending successful completion of all pre-employment testing.

8.     Recommendation to employ Andrew Lewman as a Head Varsity Girls’ Basketball Coach at Delta High School effective for the 2016-17 school year, pending successful completion of all pre-employment testing.

9.      Recommendation to appoint Erika Poniewaz as a Volunteer Assistant Varsity Swim Coach at Delta High School effective for the 2016-17 school year, pending successful completion of all pre-employment testing.

The motion was approved unanimously.


J.      Conference Requests/Field Trips

A motion was made by Tyce Stebbins and seconded by Trent Fox to approve the following (items 1-5):

1.       Haley Cross requests permission to attend a Summer Food Service Program Workshop to be held on April 19, 2016 at the Allen County Public Library in Fort Wayne, IN.

2.      Haley Cross, Karen Starks, Judi Ringo, Crystal King, and Judy Triplett request permission to attend a Manager/Supervisor Crash Course to be held on April 22, 2016 at the Horizon Convention Center in Muncie, IN.

3.      Darin Gullion requests permission to attend the ISBA/IAPSS Cyber Threats Seminar to be held on May 3, 2016 at The Palms in Plainfield, IN.

4.      Haley Cross and Lisa Metzger request permission to attend a School Food and Nutrition Service Management Training to be held on May 5, 2016 at Kokomo High School in Kokomo, IN.

5.      Cheryl Dominick requests permission to attend the 2016 IASBO Annual Meeting to be held from May 11, 2016 through May 13, 2016 at the French Lick Hotel in French Lick, IN.

The motion was approved unanimously.

A motion was made by John Adams and seconded by Trent Fox to approve the following (item 6):

6.      Kurt Griffis requests permission to take 35 Delta High School students on an overnight trip to Anderson University for soccer camp from July 15, 2016 through July 17, 2016, as presented.

The motion was approved unanimously.


K.     Information and Proposals

1.       Superintendent

a.      Transportation

1.       A motion was made by Trent Fox and seconded by Tyce Stebbins to approve the change in daily rate.  The motion was approved unanimously.

2.      A motion was made by Trent Fox and seconded by John Adams to approve the Training Agreement.  The motion was approved unanimously.

b.      A motion was made by Tyce Stebbins and seconded by Trent Fox to approve the Delta Boys’ Basketball Camp, as presented.  The motion was approved unanimously.

c.       A motion was made by John Adams and seconded by Tyce Stebbins to approve the Delta Volleyball Camp, as presented.  The motion was approved unanimously.

d.      Superintendent Mann informed the Board of the following fundraisers:

1.       Doug Hazelrigg, Delta Middle School Journalism, requests permission to have an 8th grade Formal Dance on May 13, 2016 from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., as presented.  Proceeds go towards the Class of 2020.

2.      Carol Williams and Melissa Fritz, RACE: Indy 500 Day Events, request permission to sell parking tickets and assist as assigned at the Indianapolis Speedway on May 14, 2016; May 27, 2016; May 28, 2016; May 29, 2016; and July 24, 2016, as presented.  Proceeds go towards the 2017 European Trip.

3.      Seth Paul and Devona Coffey, Baseball, request permission to collect donations of baseball gear on May 18, 2016 at Delta High School, as presented.  All donations go towards the Dominican Republic Baseball Club.

2.      Assistant Superintendent

A motion was made by Tyce Stebbins and seconded by Trent Fox to approve the following (items 1-3):

a.      Use of Facilities:

1.       Jeremy Penrod, Delta Junior Softball Club, requests permission to use the DGSA Ball Diamonds from March 29, 2016 through May 24, 2016 to hold Middle School Softball games, as presented.

2.      Cindy Jeffrey, DelCom 4-H Club, requests permission to use the Delta Middle School Commons on April 13, 2016, May 12, 2016, and June 8, 2016 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. to hold club meetings, as presented.

3.      Tom Marquell, DeSoto Alumni, requests permission to use the Albany Elementary Gymnasium on May 7, 2016 from 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. to hold an Alumni Banquet, as presented.

The motion was approved unanimously.

A motion was made by John Adams and seconded by Alice Gillis to approve the following (items b-e):

b.      Request to accept a donation from the DelCom Educational Foundation in the amount of $9,549.00 for 30 Chromebooks and 1 cabinet, as presented. 

c.       Request for Delta High School to accept a donation from the Delaware County Farm Festival in the amount of $174.88 for putting on a chili supper at the Farm Fest, as presented. 

d.      Request for Eaton Elementary School to accept a donation from the Eaton PTO in the amount of $1,080.00 to pay for field trips, as presented. 

e.      Request for Delta Middle School to accept a donation from the American Health Network in the amount of $1,350.00 for 30 keyboards and 30 mice to be used for testing, as presented. 

The motion was approved unanimously.

f.        A motion was made by Trent Fox and seconded by John Adams to approve the request to surplus items at Delta Middle School, as presented.  The motion was approved unanimously.

g.      A motion was made by Tyce Stebbins and seconded by Trent Fox to approve the request to surplus items at Delta High School, as presented.  The motion was approved unanimously.


IX.              LETTERS/NOTES

X.                 BOARD MEMBER COMMENTS

Trent Fox – Mr. Fox appreciates the Administrators giving an overview on what’s going on in their buildings.  He stated it is always a nice touch he’s glad we started because it keeps them informed more of what’s going on with the kids.  He congratulated all new hires and is looking forward to seeing progress and the efforts they make within the classroom or sports.  Mr. Fox stated donations are great and they go a long way to help our students and to educate our kids.  He is very appreciative of those things and without that kind of environment, we wouldn’t be able to do what we do for our kids. 

John Adams – Mr. Adams concurred with his fellow board member.  He thanked Ms. Kirtley for bringing students in for the presentation.  He stated anytime you can get clubs after school and have kids involved is a plus for our community.  He said she is working hard with that group and the dividends are paying off.  He hopes they can raise the needed funds for their trip to Nationals.  He commented if there is a way for people out there who can help these kids so they can have that opportunity would be greatly appreciated.  Mr. Adams welcomed the new hires.  He stated we have good quality people coming on board to help our kids and it is greatly appreciated.  He stated it is a great thing to have our students recognized for the Integrity Awards.  He commented the Administrators being here to mention things going on in their buildings is a great touch.  The consensus from the board is they greatly appreciate them being here and telling everyone more than what they can read in a newsletter.  He stated it is starting to be the best highlight of what they get to listen to.  He thanked the Administrators for the time they take away from their families and schools to be here and share.  Mr. Adams hopes ISTEP keeps going well.  He stated a year ago it wasn’t going well and it’s good to hear its better this year.  He stated they’ve been getting a lot of compliments about Chromebooks and it is easy sitting here and approving those kinds of things. He said they knew what the impact was going to be and thank you for that, but it’s really a testament of what is needed in the buildings.  Mr. Adams informed everyone to use them wisely, often, and hopefully they’ll pay the dividends they expect because it sounds like they already are.

Alice Gillis – Ms. Gillis gave condolences and prayers to Nancy Kunk on the loss of her husband.  She congratulated Ms. Fox, Joli Finley, and Audrey Summers for making it in the paper.  She congratulated all new hires both academic and athletic.  She stated Nick Bantz and Anna Groover are doing great things.  She thanked the Environmental Club and Dr. Brand for cleaning up State Road 28.  She’s not sure if this is in connection with Earth Day, but it’s a good thing to do.  Ms. Gillis thanked Ms. Kirtley, Hunter, and Jordan for their presentation and the projects they are doing.  She concurs with her fellow board members and appreciates the Administrators coming in and hearing what’s happening in their buildings. 

Tyce Stebbins – Mr. Stebbins concurred with his fellow board members.  He stated it’s nice to sit back and hear what everyone else has to say and not go first for a change.  He commented we do a good job of recognizing a lot of different individuals.  He stated it’s good to hear about Bobby Blevins and the senior class honoring him.  He said it’s neat when we bring on good people and are thinking about them in all aspects and not just their day to day tasks.  Mr. Stebbins stated the administrators make it to a lot of different events and not because of the requirement, but because it makes them feel good to see students’ success and they take pride in that.  He said our administrators and staff should be admired for what they do in regards to those things.  Mr. Stebbins stated with the Foundation Donation, it takes a lot of people giving to make a donation like that and thanked all of those individuals.  He welcomed all new hires and thanked everyone for coming.

Adam Williams – Mr. Williams concurred with his fellow board members.  He welcomed the new hires and thanked them for choosing our school system.  He’s excited to see their talents thrive and help our students become the best they can be.  He thanked the administrators for everything they do with ISTEP.  He can’t imagine the pre-planning that goes into that, but they make it happen and that’s what he loves. He commented those efforts are numerous and he realizes and appreciates the hard work the administrators, teams, all the way down to custodians efforts to give everybody the best environment. They help every child do their best and that’s why we are all here.  Mr. Williams gave a shout-out to the DelCom Foundation.  He stated if anyone reading the minutes has any interest about what the Foundation is and wants to know how they can become involved, look it up on the website.  It is a neat thing that was started about 5 years ago and they are looking for people to become more involved and be able to give back to this wonderful school system.


A.     An ISBA Spring Regional Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, April 20, 2016 from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at Willie and Red’s in Hagerstown, IN.

B.     A regular meeting for the Board of School Trustees is scheduled for Tuesday, May 3, 2016 at 6:30 p.m. at the Administration Building.


XI.              ADJOURNMENT

A motion was made by John Adams and seconded by Tyce Stebbins and Board President, Adam Williams, adjourned the meeting at 7:31 p.m.

April 19, 2016


ADAM WILLIAMS                                              ___________________________

TRENT FOX                                                        ____________________________

JOHN ADAMS                                                   ____________________________

ALICE GILLIS                                                    ____________________________

TYCE STEBBINS                                                ____________________________