6:30 p.m.
Present: Adam Williams, President; Trent Fox, Vice President; Lance Engle, Secretary; Jacob Case, Member; John Adams, Member; Darin Gullion, Assistant Superintendent; and Reece Mann, Superintendent
At 6:33 p.m. Board President, Adam Williams, called the meeting to order.
A motion was made by John Adams and seconded by Lance Engle to accept the minutes of the business meeting and executive session held on October 5, 2020. The motion was approved 5-0 vote.
A. A motion was made by Lance Engle and seconded by Jacob Case to accept the list of vouchers, as presented. The motion was approved 5-0 vote.
B. Purchases over $7500:
1. None.
C. A motion was made by John Adams and seconded by Jacob Case to approve the Title I Grant-($395,116.94), as presented. The motion was approved 5-0 vote.
Amy Lewman, Royerton Elementary Principal, thanked Mr. Stebbins for getting the playground regraded over fall break. She stated it looks brand new and was a much needed task that was put on the backburner until they could do it when kids weren’t around. She thanked her custodial staff and stated her building looks amazing. She stated they worked really hard over break to make sure it looked fantastic when the students’ came back today. She stated
the teachers were commenting today on how great it looked.
Tyce Stebbins, Director of Buildings and Grounds/Project Manager, updated the Board on projects. He stated the custodians have done a great job and thanked those who worked hard over break and got a lot done.
A. Certified Staff
1. None.
B. Classified Staff
A motion was made by Jacob Case and seconded by Trent Fox to approve the following (item 1):
1. Resignation of Joshua Dyke, Maintenance Technician, effective
October 20, 2020. The motion was approved 5-0 vote.
A motion was made by Lance Engle and seconded by Trent Fox to approve the following (items 2-3):
2. Recommendation to employ Amanda Jensma as a Food Service Cook at Royerton Elementary School effective October 20, 2020.
3. Recommendation to employ Keith Addison as a Non-route School Bus Driver effective immediately, pending successful completion of all pre-employment testing.
The motion was approved 5-0 vote.
C. Extra-Curricular
A motion was made by Jacob Case and seconded by Trent Fox to approve the following (items 1-4):
1. Recommendation to employ Joshua Werley as an Assistant Swim
Coach at Delta High School effective for the 2020-21 school year.
2. Recommendation to employ Chris Van Pelt as an Assistant Varsity Boys’ Basketball Coach at Delta High School effective for the 2020-21 school year, pending successful completion of all pre-employment testing.
3. Recommendation to appoint Chandler Cross as a Volunteer Assistant Boys’ Basketball Coach at Delta High School effective for the 2020-21 school year.
4. Recommendation to appoint Matt Shafer as a Volunteer Assistant
Boys’ Basketball Coach at Delta High School effective for the 2020-21 school year, pending successful completion of all pre-employment testing.
The motion was approved 5-0 vote.
D. Conference Requests/Field Trips
A motion was made by Lance Engle and seconded by John Adams to approve the following (items 1-3):
1. Amy Lewman requests permission to attend the IASP
Fall Professionals Conference to be held virtually from
November 22, 2020 through November 24, 2020.
2. Doug Marshall requests permission to attend the IASP
Fall Professionals Conference to be held virtually from
November 23, 2020 through November 24, 2020.
3. Brittany Dominick, Angela Campbell, Roger Spaulding,
Cindy Kunda, Kelli Edwards, and Kaitlyn Kennedy request
permission to attend PowerSchool University Remote Plus to be
held virtually from December 7, 2020 through December 18, 2020.
The motion was approved 5-0 vote.
E. Information and Proposals
1. Superintendent
a. A motion was made by Jacob Case and seconded by Lance Engle to approve the AES Long Term Sub, as presented. The motion was
approved 5-0 vote.
b. A motion was made by John Adams and seconded by Trent Fox to approve the Spanish/PE/FACS/Health Curriculum Maps, as
presented. The motion was approved 5-0 vote.
c. A motion was made by Trent Fox and seconded by Lance Engle to approve School Improvement Plans, as presented. The motion wasapproved 5-0 vote.
d. Mr. Mann informed the Board about the following fundraisers:
1. Suzy Fox, DHS Class of 2022, requests permission to sell Delta
apparel and Texas Roadhouse gift cards from October 20, 2020
through November 30, 2020, as presented. Proceeds go towards
class activities and Prom.
2. Assistant Superintendent
a. Use of Facilities:
A motion was made by Lance Engle and seconded by Trent Fox to
approve the following (items 1-4):
1. Laura Seibold-Caudill, Cardinal Community Swim Club,
requests permission to use the Delta High School pool and
locker rooms on October 31, 2020 from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
to hold Dactacular, as presented.
2. Keith Rhonemus, Delta Wrestling Club, requests permission to
use the Delta High School gymnasium on November 29, 2020
from 6:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. to hold Delta Element 8 Way Duals,
as presented.
3. Keith Rhonemus, Delta Wrestling Club, requests permission to
use the Delta High School gymnasiums on January 10, 2021
from 6:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. to hold Rumble at the Nest, as
4. Keith Rhonemus, Delta Wrestling Club, requests permission to
use the Delta High School gymnasium on April 17, 2021 from
6:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. to hold Freco War on 28, as presented.
The motion was approved 5-0 vote.
b. A motion was made by Trent Fox and seconded by Jacob Case to
approve the request for Delta High School to surplus items, as
presented. The motion was approved 5-0 vote.
John Adams – Mr. Adams thanked Mr. Stebbins and asked him to extend his gratitude to staff for the work they did over Fall Break. He knows it’s an important time and that staff also want to take time off with their families and he appreciates that. He stated it’s nice to see pictures of improvements and things that are going on. He stated as far as the buildings go, he’s had a few people say they can’t see that a whole lot is going on when they are going
down State Road 28. Mr. Adams stated they haven’t taken the time to come down the side road and take a look at the middle school and see where it’s completed out front. He encourages folks to come out and drive through the parking lot and get a look at what’s going on. He stated we are not just going to stay stagnant; we are going to improve our buildings, make education better, do things necessary to educate kids, and make DelCom the best we
can. He thinks once the new building project is done, a lot of people will be proud. He thanked Mr. Dyke and welcomed all new employees. Mr. Adams stated he knows a lot of time and effort goes into Curriculum Maps and thanked Mr. Kile and those involved in doing that. He stated it’s greatly appreciated.
Jacob Case – Mr. Case concurred with Mr. Adams. He thanked Mr.
Stebbins and staff for their efforts in getting the buildings taken care of over break and stated it’s appreciated. He thanked Mr. Kile. He hopes everyone had a great break and are ready to get back at it and go full speed until the endof the semester.
Lance Engle – Mr. Engle hopes everyone had a great break. He stated it’s still a joy to be going face-to-face and finishing up the first semester. He hopes everyone stays healthy. He wishes nothing but the best for the sports seasons that are still going on.
Trent Fox – Mr. Fox thanked everyone for coming. He stated our doubles team in tennis will play on Saturday for hopefully a State Title. He knows they won a tough match against North Central to be able to compete so it will be really cool if they can pull it off and wished them good luck. He stated Nikki Southerland won Regionals for girls’ cross country so she will have a few competitive people to go against at Semi-State and that will be interesting to
see. He stated one of them she barely beat by .6 so that will be a tough match and exciting to watch. He hopes she can pull off another victory and stated she’s just a freshman so she’ll have a lot more chances. He stated the girls’ cross country team and a few boys’ moved on to Semi-State as well. He wished them the best of luck. He thanked everyone who put in work over break to get everything ready. He hopes we will keep kids in school the next 9
weeks and then have a Christmas Break we can all enjoy.
Adam Williams – Mr. Williams stated we’ve made it 9 weeks and that’s phenomenal. He stated we have 9 more to go for the semester and we’ll do everything we can to make that happen. He encouraged parents if their kids are even close to not feeling well, err on the side of caution and keep them home for a day. He stated to give it a little time to make sure it’s not what it could be and keep it out of school if at all possible. He understands it’s a hard
thing. He stated he keeps his kids home when they have allergy symptoms just because he doesn’t want to be wrong and get anyone else sick and that’s how they are looking at it. He hopes everyone else can do that and keep school going. He stated students in front of teachers is what we’re after because
there’s no better quality of education than that. He stated there are a lot of wonderful things happening at DelCom so let’s keep it going and he appreciates everyone’s work to make that happen.
A. A regular meeting for the Board of School Trustees is scheduled for Monday, November 2, 2020 at 6:30 p.m. at the Administration Building.
A motion was made by Trent Fox and seconded by Jacob Case and Board President, Adam Williams, adjourned the meeting at 6:56 p.m.
October 19, 2020
ADAM WILLIAMS __________________________
TRENT FOX __________________________
LANCE ENGLE ___________________________
JACOB CASE ___________________________
JOHN ADAMS ___________________________