6:30 p.m.
Present: Trent Fox, President; John Adams, Vice President; Alice Gillis, Secretary; Tyce Stebbins, Member; Adam Williams, Member; Darin Gullion, Assistant Superintendent; and Reece Mann, Superintendent
At 6:30 p.m. Board President, Trent Fox, called the meeting to order.
A motion was made by Adam Williams and seconded by Tyce Stebbins to amend the agenda, as presented. The motion was approved unanimously.
A motion was made by John Adams and seconded by Tyce Stebbins to accept the minutes of the business meeting and executive session held on Tuesday, March 7, 2017. The motion was approved unanimously.
- A motion was made by Adam Williams and seconded by Alice Gillis to accept the list of vouchers, as presented. The motion was approved unanimously.
- Purchases over $7500:
A motion was made by John Adams and seconded by Adam Williams to approve the following (items 1-3):
- Renaissance Learning CP $11,944.54
(product and services renewal)
- Indy Controls CP $8,968.00
(Honeywell upgrade)
- Securly TECH $24,000.00
(Filtering software-4 year)
The motion was approved unanimously.
- A motion was made by Tyce Stebbins and seconded by Adam Williams to approve the request to transfer $2.00 from the 9390 account to General Fund, as presented. The motion was approved unanimously.
Jennifer Kile, 5th grade teacher at Royerton Elementary, stated the 5th grade trip to Flat Rock was fantastic. They got back today, it was phenomenal and the kids had a fantastic time with no issues. She stated it’s the first time in more than 10 years that Royerton has taken a trip. She informed everyone the kids got to do archery, fishing, habitat work, Native American games, etc. They had a blast and were busy from the time they got up to the time they went to bed. She said the plan is for this trip to be traditional and hopefully they can make it a 4th and 5th grade trip next year and then start doing them every other year.
Greg Kile, Principal at Eaton Elementary, informed everyone Kindergarten Round-up was at Eaton today. They had a great turn out. He stated Ms. Gillis was kind enough to join them and volunteer. He said it was a success and always great to spend time with parents. He stated for a lot of families, this is their first child going through and it’s exciting when that moment comes. Mr. Kile complimented Mr. Weaver, Transportation Director, because they did something different this year. Mr. Weaver brought buses out to the school and allowed the little ones to get on the bus and get a sense of what that’s about. He stated it worked beautifully and he’s grateful for transportation’s willingness to do that for them.
Chris Conley, Principal at Delta High School, informed everyone last Thursday evening they had the opportunity to induct 52 students into the National Honor Society. The group was so large, they had to sit in the audience instead of onstage like they normally do. He stated the inductees weren’t all sophomores, but the vast majority were. Mr. Conley is very proud of them and is appreciative of sponsors, Dr. Brand and Ms. Fox who are very involved and do community service. He is very excited about inducting 52 students.
Christy McGuire, Assistant Principal at Royerton Elementary, stated Mr. Marshall extended his apologies for not being able to attend tonight, he had something at Royerton he needed to attend to. She thanked Ms. Kile and her counterparts for doing a wonderful job planning their Flat Rock trip. She stated it was a lot of planning, organizing, fundraising and the fact it played out so well speaks highly of their leadership. She thanked the parents who volunteered and went on the trip. Ms. McGuire stated they are gearing up for ISTEP soon and thanked the Board for approving Chromebooks and the Flat Rock trip.
- Certified Staff
A motion was made by Tyce Stebbins and seconded by Alice Gillis to approve the following (item 1):
- Retirement of Byron Banta, Teacher at Delta Middle School, effective at the end of the 2016-17 school year.
The motion was approved unanimously.
A motion was made by John Adams and seconded by Tyce Stebbins to approve the following (items 2-3):
- Resignation of Kristina Carpenter, Teacher at Delta High School, effective at the end of the 2016-17 school year.
- Resignation of Sheryl Hannah, Teacher at Albany Elementary School, effective at the end of the 2016-17 school year.
The motion was approved unanimously.
- Classified Staff
A motion was made by Adam Williams and seconded by Tyce Stebbins to approve the following (items 1-2):
- Resignation of William Patzelt, School Bus Driver, effective March 31, 2017.
- Resignation of Joe Schafer, Instructional Assistant at Delta High School, effective April 7, 2017.
The motion was approved unanimously.
A motion was made by Adam Williams and seconded by Tyce Stebbins to approve the following (item 3):
- Request for Sandra Dawson, School Bus Aide, to take a leave of absence effective until the end of the 2016-17 school year.
The motion was approved unanimously.
A motion was made by John Adams and seconded by Tyce Stebbins to approve the following (items 4-6):
- Recommendation to approve the following Food Service Cooks for the Summer Food Service Program, as presented:
Crystal King-Manager, Eaton Elementary
Tracy Bullock-Cook, Eaton Elementary
Stephanie Chalfant-Cook, Eaton Elementary
Elizabeth Rees-Manager, Albany Elementary
Angela Shepherd-Cook, Albany Elementary
Missy Haney-Cook, DUMC
- Recommendation to employ Susan Lee and Casondra Batten as summer bus cleaners effective June 1, 2017 at a rate of $12.19 per hour for 5.75 hours per day.
- Recommendation to employ Brian Clawson and Garry Faust as summer mowers effective immediately.
The motion was approved unanimously.
- Extra-Curricular
A motion was made by Tyce Stebbins and seconded by Adam Williams to approve the following (items 1-2):
- Resignation of Joe Schafer, Assistant Track Coach at Delta Middle School, effective March 27, 2017.
- Resignation of Sheryl Hannah, Science Fair Sponsor at Albany Elementary School, effective at the end of the 2016-17 school year.
The motion was approved unanimously.
A motion was made by Tyce Stebbins and seconded by Alice Gillis to approve the following (items 3-6):
- Recommendation to transfer Ryan Walker and Ian Keller (pending), Volunteer Assistant Track Coaches to Assistant Track Coaches (split position) at Delta Middle School, effective for the 2016-17 school year.
- Recommendation to employ Scott Herring as an Algebra 1 Remediation Teacher at Delta High School effective for the 2016-17 school year.
- Recommendation to employ Erica Pluimer as an Algebra 1 Remediation Teacher at Delta High School effective for the 2016-17 school year.
- Recommendation to employ Amanda Craw as an English Remediation Teacher at Delta High School effective for the 2016-17 school year.
The motion was approved unanimously.
A motion was made by John Adams and seconded by Alice Gillis to approve the following (item 7):
- Recommendation to employ Suzy Fox as an English Remediation Teacher at Delta High School effective for the 2016-17 school year.
The motion was approved four in favor with Trent Fox abstaining.
- Conference Requests/Field Trips
A motion was made by John Adams and seconded by Adam Williams to approve the following (items 1-11):
- Kim DeVoss requests permission to attend Star Lab Instruction to be held on March 15, 2017 at Eaton Elementary School in Eaton, IN.
- Chris Pyle requests permission to attend the Indiana Pest Management Association Training Session to be held on March 22, 2017 in Warsaw, IN.
- Rachel Underwood requests permission to attend Naviance Training to be held on April 6, 2017 at Decatur Township School in Indianapolis, IN.
- Cindy Kunda requests permission to attend Naviance Training to be held on April 6, 2017 at Decatur Township School in Indianapolis, IN.
- Lindsey Thompson requests permission to attend the ECI Tech Coach Meeting to be held on April 14, 2017 in Richmond, IN.
- Jennifer Carrier requests permission to attend the Indiana State Board of Accounts ECA Workshop to be held on April 19, 2017 in Indianapolis, IN.
- Julie Brown and Lindsey Thompson request permission to attend INCUE (Indiana Canvas Users) to be held on April 24, 2017 at MSD Decatur Township in Indianapolis, IN.
- Darin Gullion and Tim Cleland request permission to attend School Website Accessibility to be held on April 27, 2017 at CIESC in Indianapolis, IN.
- Amy Larrabee, Machelle Ross, Megan Stroble, and Tiffany Crouse request permission to attend Research to Practice Conference to be held from May 11, 2017 through May 12, 2017 at the Horizon Convention Center in Muncie, IN.
- Greg Kile requests permission to attend eLead to be held from June 21, 2017 through June 22, 2017 at Anderson University in Anderson, IN.
- Elizabeth Lay requests permission to attend the American School Counselor Association Conference to be held from July 7, 2017 through July 12, 2017 at the Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel in Denver, CO.
The motion was approved unanimously.
- Information and Proposals
- Superintendent
Mr. Conley, Principal at Delta High School, gave a presentation.
A motion was made by Tyce Stebbins and seconded by Alice Gillis to approve Greg Kile in a newly appointed position as Director of Curriculum/Assessment effective July 1, 2017. The motion also included approval of the detailed job description of the newly appointed position of Director of Curriculum/Assessment, as presented. The motion was approved unanimousl
A motion was made by Tyce Stebbins and seconded by John Adams to approve Christy McGuire as the Principal at Eaton Elementary School with a change in pay effective July 1, 2017, as presented. The motion was approved unanimously.
- A motion was made by John Adams and seconded by Alice Gillis to approve the DHS Crawfordsville Tennis Invite, as presented. The motion was approved unanimously.
- A motion was made by Tyce Stebbins and seconded by John Adams to approve the DHS Cheer Camp, as presented. The motion was approved unanimously.
- Mr. Mann informed the Board about the following fundraisers:
- Cindy Glaze, Delta Force Running Club, requests permission to collect donations and sponsors from April 5, 2017 through April 30, 2017, as presented. Proceeds go towards the Kawasaki Disease Foundation.
- Alli Juskevice, Delta Cheerleading, requests permission to sell flowers from April 14, 2017 through April 26, 2017, as presented. Proceeds go towards cheer camp expenses.
- Karen Kirtley, FCCLA, requests permission to hold a Bingo Party on April 25, 2017 at Delta Middle School, as presented. Proceeds go towards attending the State and/or National Leadership Conference.
- Alli Juskevice, Delta Cheerleading, requests permission to sell cookie dough from April 26, 2017 through May 15, 2017, as presented. Proceeds go towards competition expenses, music, fees, etc.
- Alli Juskevice, Delta Cheerleading, requests permission to sell Sponsorships from April 26, 2017 through June 5, 2017, as presented. Proceeds go towards camp expenses, clothing, signs, pom poms, flags, competitions, and music.
- Missy Haney, Delta High School Softball Boosters, requests permission to sell trash bags during softball pre-season until April 21, 2017, as presented. Proceeds go towards Delta girls’ high school softball.
- Assistant Superintendent
A motion was made by Tyce Stebbins and seconded by Adam Williams to approve the following (items 1-2):
- Use of Facilities:
- Dawn Raleigh, Delta Learn to Swim, requests permission to use the Delta High School pool from April 15, 2017 through May 20, 2017 to hold swim lessons, as presented.
- Melia Clawson requests permission to use the Delta Middle School cafeteria on June 24, 2017 from 12:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., as presented.
The motion was approved unanimously.
- A motion was made by John Adams and seconded by Tyce Stebbins to approve the request to surplus technology items, as presented. The motion was approved unanimously.
- A motion was made by John Adams and seconded by Tyce Stebbins to approve seeking bids for the RES Project and DHS Roof, as presented. The motion was approved unanimously.
Adam Williams – Mr. Williams thanked everyone for coming. He congratulated Mr. Kile and thanked him for accepting his new role. He appreciates the passion Mr. Kile had at the elementary and won’t expect anything less with this next step. He thanked Ms. McGuire for accepting her new role and is excited for her to take the next step. He thanked the employees resigning for their service and also the retirement of Mr. Banta. He appreciates his time and wishes him well on his retirement. Mr. Williams commented the baseball team got to play on the new diamond. We had some nice press and everyone was saying wonderful things about it. He hasn’t got to see it yet, but will definitely be catching some games. He stated it sounds like it’s well done. Mr. Williams greatly appreciates everyone involved in making that project happen and their time and effort they put into it. He said he saw some kids sitting on the hill watching the game and thought that was really neat.
Tyce Stebbins – Mr. Stebbins concurred with his fellow board member. He stated the flags out on the baseball field are neat. He drove by one morning, the lights were on and it looked really cool. He stated to have your eye drawn to something like that is spectacular and eye catching. He congratulated the National Honor Society group at the high school. He wishes the best to Ms. Carpenter and Ms. Hannah. Mr. Stebbins isn’t sure the exact years of service Mr. Banta has put in, but thinks his son has the same amount of enthusiasm in Mr. Banta’s class as he did. He stated Mr. Banta has not only been a great teacher, but an inspiring individual as well. He congratulated him and is sure he’ll have something fun planned for his retirement.
Alice Gillis – Ms. Gillis stated Eaton Elementary Kindergarten Round-up did a nice job today. She congratulated Mr. Kile and his staff and stated everything was planned and she thinks it went without hitch. She stated from all the conversation they heard from the staff about Mr. Weaver bringing buses, they thought it was a fantastic thing to do. She said they had little kids who didn’t want to get on the bus and after they had an opportunity to step on and see what it was going to be like, they were fine. She thanked Mr. Conley for the interesting and informative presentation and was happy to hear a good portion of that. Ms. Gillis congratulated the National Honor Society students. She stated 52 is a good number and the middle school will be doing their inductions next week as well. She thanked Mr. Banta, Ms. Carpenter, and Ms. Hannah for their great service to our corporation. She’s already made it very plain to Mr. Kile she isn’t happy with him leaving Eaton, but she is tickled to death with him taking the new role. She thinks it’s highly needed in this corporation and has been for a long time. She’s knows what a difficult job Mr. Kile will attempt and she’s certain he will do a fantastic job. Ms. Gillis congratulated Ms. McGuire for filling in at Eaton Elementary.
John Adams – Mr. Adams thanked Mr. Conley for sharing his presentation. He stated there’s a lot of things that go on behind the scenes that they have to know, learn, and figure out with testing and how it works and how it’s going to impact us. He congratulated the 52 National Honor Society inductees at the high school and stated it’s an honor and great to have the numbers they have. He thanked Mr. Kile and Ms. McGuire for their new roles and what they will bring to their new positions. He appreciates them stepping up to the table. Mr. Adams appreciates the time the employees leaving us have put in. He stated he had Mr. Banta in the late 70’s and he’s happy he’s made it this far. Mr. Banta is a great educator and mentor and Mr. Adams knows he will be missed and wishes him the best.
Trent Fox – Mr. Fox stated Mr. Banta is a very good teacher and will be greatly missed. He hopes someone will take over the Chicago trip. He thinks that’s important because a lot of kids don’t get to go to Chicago. He congratulated Mr. Kile and Ms. McGuire. He is looking forward to great things from them. Mr. Fox thanked Mr. Conley for his presentation. He stated testing is constantly ongoing and hopefully they will make it better. He congratulated the employees who resigned and wishes them well. Mr. Fox informed everyone about the DelCom Foundation dinner tomorrow night at Delta High School.
- A regular meeting for the Board of School Trustees is scheduled for Tuesday, April 18, 2017 at 6:30 p.m. at the Administration Building.
- An ISBA Spring Regional Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, May 10, 2017 from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at Willie and Red’s in Hagerstown, IN.
A motion was made by John Adams and seconded by Alice Gillis and Board President, Trent Fox, adjourned the meeting at 7:50 p.m.
April 4, 2017
TRENT FOX _____________________________
JOHN ADAMS ____________________________
ALICE GILLIS ____________________________
TYCE STEBBINS ____________________________
ADAM WILLIAMS ____________________________