Tuesday, January 8, 2019
6:30 p.m.
Present: John Adams, President; Adam Williams, Secretary; Trent Fox, Member; Lance Engle, Member; Jacob Case, Member; Darin Gullion, Assistant Superintendent; and Reece Mann, Superintendent
At 6:30 p.m. Superintendent Mann called the meeting to order.
At this time, Steve Murphy, DeFur Voran, swore in the following board members:
Trent Fox re-elected
Lance Engle newly elected
Jacob Case newly elected
Superintendent Mann presided over the meeting for the organization of the Board of Education. He asked for nominations for Board President.
A motion was made by Adam Williams and seconded by Trent Fox to nominate John Adams as President of the Board of Education for the year 2019. A motion was made by Adam Williams and seconded by Trent Fox to close the nominations. Both motions were approved 5-0 vote.
Board of Education President, John Adams, asked for nominations for Vice-President of the Board of Education for the year 2019.
A motion was made by Trent Fox and seconded by Lance Engle to nominate Adam Williams as Vice President of the Board of Education for the year 2019. A motion was made by Trent Fox and seconded by Jacob Case to close the nominations. Both motions were approved 5-0 vote.
Board of Education President, John Adams, asked for nominations for Secretary of the Board of Education for the year 2019.
A motion was made by Lance Engle and seconded by Adam Williams to nominate Trent Fox as Secretary of the Board of Education for the year 2019. A motion was made by Adam Williams and seconded by Lance Engle to close the nominations. Both motions were approved 5-0 vote.
A motion was made by Adam Williams and seconded by Trent Fox to appoint Cheryl Dominick as Corporation Treasurer and Adrienne Smith as Deputy Treasurer for the year 2019. The motion was approved 5-0 vote.
A motion was made by Adam Williams and seconded by Trent Fox to retain Steve Murphy of the DeFur, Voran, LLP Law Firm as the School Attorney for the year 2019 on an as needed basis. The motion was approved 5-0 vote.
A motion was made by Trent Fox and seconded by Lance Engle to hold regular school board meetings on the first and third Monday of each month at 6:30 p.m. beginning February 4, 2019. The Board of Education will meet at the Administration Office unless otherwise designated. The motion was approved 5-0 vote.
A motion was made by Trent Fox and seconded by Adam Williams to continue the Board of Education compensation at the rates of $83 per regular meeting and $62 per special session. The motion was approved 5-0 vote.
A motion was made Adam Williams and seconded by Trent Fox to appoint the position of Board President as the ISBA Delegate and ISBA Legislative Representative. They will serve in these positions for the year 2019. The motion was approved 5-0 vote.
A motion was made by Adam Williams and seconded by Trent Fox to appoint Janelle Davis as the Board recording secretary and Melia Clawson as the alternate at a rate of $40.00 per meeting for the year 2019. The motion was approved 5-0 vote.
A motion was made by Adam Williams and seconded by Trent Fox to appoint John Adams and Lance Engle to serve on the Bid Opening Committee for the year 2019. The motion was approved 5-0 vote.
A motion was made by Trent Fox and seconded by Jacob Case to appoint all Board members to serve on the Board of Finance Committee for the year 2019. The motion was approved 5-0 vote.
At this time, the Board members each shared, if any, conflict of interest disclosures.
A motion was made by Trent Fox and seconded by Lance Engle to amend the agenda as presented. The motion was approved 5-0 vote.
A motion was made by Adam Williams and seconded by Trent Fox to accept the minutes of the business meeting and executive session on Tuesday, December 18, 2018. The motion was approved 5-0 vote.
A motion was made by Trent Fox and seconded by Adam Williams to accept the list of vouchers as presented. The motion was approved 5-0 vote.
A motion was made by Trent Fox and seconded by Jacob Case to approve the IRS mileage rate (58 cents), as presented. The motion was approved 5-0 vote.
At this time Board President John Adams asked for a motion to recess the regular meeting to begin the Board of Finance meeting. A motion was made by Trent Fox and seconded by Adam Williams to recess the regular meeting. The motion was approved 5-0 vote.
A motion was made by Adam Williams and seconded by Trent Fox to appoint all Board members to serve on the Board of Finance Committee in the same capacity of officers for the Board of Trustees for the year 2019. The motion was approved 5-0 vote.
A motion was made by Adam Williams and seconded by Trent Fox to approve First Merchants and Mutual Bank as the depositories for the year 2019. The motion was approved 5-0 vote.
Assistant Superintendent Dr. Gullion reviewed the Summary of Investments for 2018.
Assistant Superintendent Dr. Gullion reviewed the Investment Policy for 2019.
At this time Board President John Adams asked for a motion to close the Board of Finance meeting and to resume the regular Board meeting. A motion was made by Trent Fox and seconded by Lance Engle to close the Board of Finance meeting and to resume the regular Board meeting. The motion was approved 5-0 vote.
A motion was made by Trent Fox and seconded by Adam Williams to approve the Resolution to transfer amounts from the Education Fund to the Operations Fund Quarterly. The motion was approved 5-0 vote.
A motion was made by Adam Williams and seconded by Trent Fox to approve end of year balancing of all accounts and CP Resolution, as presented. The motion was approved 5-0 vote.
A motion was made by Lance Engle and seconded by Trent Fox to approve payment of year-end expenses from 2018 budget accounts. The motion was approved 5-0 vote.
A motion was made by Trent Fox and seconded by Lance Engle to approve Form 9 for July 2018 – December 2018, as presented. The motion was approved 5-0 vote.
Dr. Gullion informed the Board about Claim Aid/Medicaid Reimbursement.
Purchases over $7500:
Doug Marshall, Principal at Delta Middle School, stated they’ve had a great
start to second semester and it’s good to have students and teachers back in the
building. He’s looking forward to a great second semester.
Scott Blakely, Principal at Eaton Elementary School, welcomed all new board
members. He stated Eaton has had a great start as well and are looking forward to second semester. He stated they are gearing up for testing for ILEARN, IREAD, and CogAT.
Tyce Stebbins, Director of Buildings and Grounds/Project Manager, informed the Board about the DHS and DMS projects.
Certified Staff
Classified Staff
A motion was made by Lance Engle and seconded by Trent Fox to approve the termination of Tiffany Ford, Instructional Assistant at Delta High School, effective immediately. The motion was approved 5-0 vote.
A motion was made by Adam Williams and seconded by Trent Fox to approve the retirement of Mark Clawson, Transportation Coordinator, effective February 1, 2019. The motion was approved 5-0 vote.
A motion was made by Adam Williams and seconded by Jacob Case to approve the resignation of Angel Johnson, Latchkey Assistant Director effective January 18, 2019. The motion was approved 5-0 vote.
A motion was made by Lance Engle and seconded by Trent Fox to approve the following (items 4-5):
Recommendation to employ Nena Pence as a Non-route/Substitute Bus Driver effective immediately, pending successful completion of all pre-employment testing.
Recommendation to employ Samson Waters as a Mechanic Assistant at Transportation effective January 9, 2019, pending successful completion of all pre-employment testing.
The motion was approved 5-0 vote.
A motion was made by Lance Engle and seconded by Adam Williams to approve the recommendation to employ Joe Rogers as an Assistant Girls’ Track Coach at Delta High School effective for the 2018-19 school year. The motion was approved 5-0 vote.
Conference Requests/Field Trips
A motion was made by Lance Engle and seconded by Trent Fox to approve the following (items 1-2):
Greg Kile requests permission to attend Computer Science Curriculum Showcase to be held on February 21, 2019 at Center Grove in Indianapolis, IN.
Randall Davis requests permission to attend EDGE University Program PowerSchool to be held from February 24, 2019 through March 1, 2019 at the Hilton Orlando Buena Vista in Orlando, FL.
The motion was approved 5-0 vote.
Information and Proposals
A motion was made by Trent Fox and seconded by Jacob Case to approve the FCCLA Overnight Trips, as presented. The motion was approved 5-0 vote.
Mr. Mann informed the Board about the School Board Policy-1st Reading.
A motion was made by Adam Williams and seconded by Trent Fox to approve the 2019-20 School Year Calendar-2nd Reading (Option #1), as presented. The motion was approved 5-0 vote.
A motion was made by Trent Fox and seconded by Jacob Case to approve the Delta High School Curriculum-Course Addition, as presented. The motion was approved 5-0 vote.
Mr. Blakely informed the Board about the Safety Audit.
A motion was made by Adam Williams and seconded by Trent Fox to approve the authority to apply the Graduation Pathways requirements to the Classes of 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022 for graduation eligibility. The motion was approved 5-0 vote.
Superintendent Mann informed the Board about the following fundraisers:
Suzy Fox, DHS Class of 2021, requests permission to sell Bids for the Sweetheart Dance from February 15, 2019 through February 22, 2019, as presented. Proceeds go towards class activities.
Assistant Superintendent
Use Of Facilities:
A motion was made by Adam Williams and seconded by Trent Fox to approve Terry Summers, Delta Girls’ Softball, request for permission to use the Delta High School auxiliary gym from January 2019 through March 2019 to hold practice, as presented. The motion was approved 5-0 vote.
A motion was made by Lance Engle and seconded by Adam Williams to approve the following (items b-d):
Request for Albany Elementary Food Service to accept a donation in the amount of $75.00 from Albany Family Medicine, as presented.
Request for Delta Middle School to accept the donation of a laser engraver printer from Jane Griffis, as presented.
Request for Delta Middle School to accept a donation in the amount of $700.00 from Delta Wrestling Club, as presented.
The motion was approved 5-0 vote.
Jacob Case – Mr. Case stated he’s honored to be able to serve on the board. He’s excited for the next four years and thanked everyone for welcoming him.
Lance Engle – Mr. Engle thanked Mr. Stebbins for his due diligence with the construction at the high school and making sure they are doing what’s supposed to be done. He really appreciates it and knows the school corporation appreciates it. He thanked Mr. Conley for doing his due diligence regarding making sure our students are graduating on time. He thanked Mr. Conley and Mr. Kile for the time they’ve spent on Graduation Pathways.
Trent Fox – Mr. Fox appreciates Mr. Engle and Mr. Case coming on board and is looking forward to serving four years with them. He thanked everyone for their presentations. He stated it’s always good information and he enjoys seeing what’s going on. He knows things can be frustrating for Mr. Stebbins, but the project is moving along and will be great when it’s finished. He thanked everyone for the donations and hopes everyone enjoys this semester.
Adam Williams – Mr. Williams appreciates all the information everyone gathered for their presentations. He thanked Mr. Stebbins for being an advocate for the corporation because it makes a difference and he appreciates it. He stated he can’t say the exact number for the amount of money Mr. Stebbins has saved, but with some things he’s finding, he is saving the corporation money. Mr. Williams stated with the quality of service from Mr. Stebbins, it helps beyond measure and they appreciate it. Mr. Williams greatly appreciates Dr. Gullion putting in time, researching, and looking at all options available regarding our investments. He appreciates him taking the initiative to pull the trigger because it financially paid off. Mr. Williams appreciates Mr. Conley’s efforts on Graduation Pathways. He thanked Albany Family Medical, Jane Griffis, and the Delta Wrestling Club for the donations.
John Adams – Mr. Adams concurred with his fellow board members. He thanked Mr. Blakely, Mr. Conley, and Mr. Stebbins for their presentations. He thanked Mr. Clawson who is going into retirement. Mr. Clawson has been a part of DelCom for quite some time and he wishes him the best moving forward. Mr. Adams informed everyone the next meeting on January 22nd will be a regular Tuesday meeting, but beginning February 4th, the meetings will now be on Mondays instead of Tuesdays.
A regular meeting of the Board of School Trustees is scheduled for Tuesday, January 22, 2019 at 6:30 p.m. at the Administration Building.
A motion was made by Trent Fox and seconded by Lance Engle and Board President, John Adams, adjourned the meeting at 8:01 p.m.
An executive session on personnel matters was held following the business meeting.
January 8, 2019